Friday, August 29, 2008

Care Package/ Playing outside

Today after I got the boys from school, we decided to go outside for a little fun. Jacob grabbed Match and wanted to push him all over the sidewalk and Caden grabbed Mickey's airplane. We went out and played for about thirty minutes and then they decided they wanted to go in and eat.

Jacob and Match

Caden riding the airplane

Playing together

This is the annoying dog that lives upstairs and never stops barking!

As we were going inside to eat we met up with the UPS man who was delivering a care package from MiMi. There was tons of food and snacks for the boys and Josh. She even got me some Weight Watchers snacks! Thanks MiMi! Not only was there food in there, but the boys got books and new toothbrushes and toys! Caden got two baby tonka trucks and Jacob got Doc and Lightning McQueen from the movie Cars. They were both so excited and could not wait to play with them.

Doc and Lightning McQueen

Playing with them

Caden playing with his new truck!


kathy said...

You're welcome! It was just helps me to feel connected! We love you guys and miss you all so much! Can't wait to see you this next week!

Anonymous said...

How sweet! Aren't Mimi's awesome?!?! I bet the boys were excited to get a package in the mail just for them.