Friday, August 29, 2008

Way Behind... Grandpa John's Visit

Playing on the couch

Auntie Eia and Caden Bug

Jampa John and Jacob

Jacob watching Toy Story (his new favorite)

Jampa John sleeping through the mayhem in the early morning

Wake up Auntie Eia

Jampa John and Caden Bug


How Sweet

He loves his Auntie Eia

I know I am a little late posting this but we have been super busy. Last weekend Jampa John and Auntie Eia came down for a visit! The boys were so excited to see them, we played all weekend. Every morning Jacob would wake up and go lay on the couch with Freia and then tell her that he wanted to go play with Mommy's hair. So he would move from the couch to our bed. They got to see Josh's store and we all went out to eat Saturday night. The left Sunday morning and we were all so sad to see them go. Can't wait for the next visit!