Sunday, August 17, 2008


Josh, the boys, and I met up with Michael, a guy that works for Josh, and his girlfriend so we could all go visit Steven's Creek again. Michael and his girlfriend had never been and Josh and I have used the excuse that we were super busy and haven't been going. So throughout the week we made plans with Michael and his girlfriend to go this morning. Since they have three services 8:30, 10:00, and 11:30 Josh is able to go the 10:00 and make it to work in time for the mall to open. We got there 5 minutes before it started and they had started a new process to get the kids in class so we had to stand in line for awhile. But once they got their stickers with their numbers on them (too long of a process to explain) they went into their classes. They went without trouble and looked excited to be there, which made it easier on me and Josh when dropping them off. Then the four of us headed into church. Since we had to stand in line forever we were a little late getting into praise and worship so the usher only had a spot for us in the second row. Because their stage is huge and the lighting and everything is so elaborate its kind of like being at the movies and you have to crane your neck to see the projector in front of you... luckily they have them everywhere so you can pick one to look at. Their praise and worship is seriously like being at a concert, so of course we love that part. But the sermon was awesome too! Pastor Marty has been leading a series called U Pick'em where in July they had passed out papers and had everyone write questions down and this morning was a Q & A service, where he answered a bunch of the questions at once. It was so cool and very informational... we were definitely impressed and can't wait to go back!

If you have a couple minutes you can watch the service on
Love you guys!


kathy said...

Glad you guys enjoyed the service. We couldn't watch the service from yesterday yet, but did watch some of last week's. Their music really is good! Todd is an awesome musician and singer! Love you guys!

theotherridges said...

Hey, I am so glad I found you on here! We miss you!