Friday, August 1, 2008

Best Friends

I agreed to meet Kathy in Atlanta tomorrow afternoon with the boys so they could go spend some time with her and Jim again. I am going to miss them so much, but I know they miss them too. As I think about it I already miss them and their funny little personalities. They have both changed so much and are growing up way too fast!

Caden walks around the house talking to himself in a high pitched voice. He is now trying to repeat some of the words I use over and over again, like blanket juice bath and Jacob. He carries a mini golf club around ( I think it came in a set that KayKay and Erika got Jacob for his birthday) and he hits everything in his way. He thinks it is so funny to carry it around everywhere and hit things (even Jacob.) It is so neat to watch him laugh and play with his big brother, you can tell he already looks up to Jacob. I don't really understand why because Jacob beats up on him all the time; but still Caden laughs and chases him all over the apartment.

Jacob is still my little talker, but instead of his hoarse voice he has started talking in this really high pitched voice. It is so funny and almost everything he says I have to have him repeat it just so I can piece together what exactly he is saying. Brittany got Jacob a "Llama llama" book and he fell in love with it just as much as I did, so I got him another one. We read these together at night and the cool thing about them is they rhyme. So knowing what a smart boy Jacob is, I stop at the end of every sentence and he finishes it for me with the rhyming word. It is almost like he is reading the book. It is so cute! Lately he has taken to watching the 200 Disney movies we got him and his favorites are Cars and Toy Story. I have gotten to where I can act these movies out, and he talks about them like he knows the characters. He asks about Mater and Doc and Lightning McQueen, Woody and Buzz and Sid. He loves these movies and curls up beside me on the couch while I read a book.

I cannot believe how big my boys are getting. I never thought I would say this, but I wish they would stay little forever. I am amazed everyday with all the new and exciting things they come up with. And it is so neat to watch them learn explore and play with each other. Besides the occasional fights, I know these two little boys will always be each other's best friend. I love them so much and I am so blessed they are my sons!


V-n-J said...
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V-n-J said...

Javan LOVES 'Yama Yama' and reads the pages too! They both sound so cute. Miss you guys and Javan asks for 'Jajob'!

kathy said...

Hey are such a sweet daughter-in-law! Jacob and Caden are growing up way too fast and I'm thankful for the times we can spend with them. I know it seems like all our attention is on the boys, but we soooo miss you and Josh, too! It was so good to see you today, even if it was for a few minutes. Have a good week and enjoy your time all to yourselves! Love you!