Friday, August 29, 2008

"Fwiends bite my butt Mommy!"

Yesterday when I went to get Jacob from school there was an accident report on the door from me. It said Jacob had gotten bitten while all the kids were climbing on top of each other to get to the mat for story time. As I continued down the page it said he had been bit on the butt. I chuckled to myself and then went in to get him. As we were walking down the hall he turns around and says, "Fwiends bite my butt, Mommy!" Then I laughed out load and he did too. He said it hurt but he was okay. There wasn't even a mark on him when we got home.

He has become super excited to go to school in the mornings and when you ask who he is going to see he says, "My girlfriend Zeta." Zeta is a little blond haired blue eyed girl who is about 3 inches taller than Jacob. I guess he is like his daddy and likes tall blonds! But don't call her just his friend because he will correct you and say, "she is my girlfriend." I do not know where he learned that term, but he does.


kathy said...

Sooo cute! I'm going to to have to meet this Zeta!:)

Anonymous said...

Well, I am sure that he is going to be a heartbreaker. Zeta better watch out! Love your blog, and love you too. I am so bad about reading but never commenting, so I thought I would, just because I love you so much and I miss you terribly. GA is too far away from Knoxville, but closer than AZ, so what will I do next April?

The Sandefurs said...

Ha! Too funny!