Thursday, August 21, 2008

I promised Josh I wouldn't do this, but...

You are probably asking yourself why Caden is wearing a pink onesie, so here is the answer:

Yesterday before we left for the doctor I had to pack a diaper bag for the boys. (I hadn't used one since Sunday) So I go to empty it out and restock it with juice and cheeze-its. I look in and there is a pink shirt wrapped in a ribbon with a small tag on it that says, "Thanks for being a guest at KidQuest at Steven's Creek Church." I unwrapped it and this outfit on Caden was his present. I am guessing they ran out of blue ones, that or they thought my little boy in plaid shorts and a polo was a girl. Josh and I thought this was such a cool idea, and I immediately searched Jacob's bag hoping he had one too. He didn't, but oh well. The shirt says, "My church rocks," and has a guitar on it. The back of it says Stevens Creek Community Church, what a cool idea for guests!


The Sandefurs said...

That is a very cool idea! Must have been out of the blue indeed! :)

Anonymous said...

What a great idea! Caden still looks cute ... even in pink!!!

kathy said...

He's so doesn't matter what color he has on!

Lindsay Adkins said...

lol, how funny!!! that is a great idea, but it's funny what a difference age makes when wearing the color pink :) give him about 15 years and it will be ok that he has a pink shirt on, HA!