Friday, August 29, 2008

Care Package/ Playing outside

Today after I got the boys from school, we decided to go outside for a little fun. Jacob grabbed Match and wanted to push him all over the sidewalk and Caden grabbed Mickey's airplane. We went out and played for about thirty minutes and then they decided they wanted to go in and eat.

Jacob and Match

Caden riding the airplane

Playing together

This is the annoying dog that lives upstairs and never stops barking!

As we were going inside to eat we met up with the UPS man who was delivering a care package from MiMi. There was tons of food and snacks for the boys and Josh. She even got me some Weight Watchers snacks! Thanks MiMi! Not only was there food in there, but the boys got books and new toothbrushes and toys! Caden got two baby tonka trucks and Jacob got Doc and Lightning McQueen from the movie Cars. They were both so excited and could not wait to play with them.

Doc and Lightning McQueen

Playing with them

Caden playing with his new truck!

"Fwiends bite my butt Mommy!"

Yesterday when I went to get Jacob from school there was an accident report on the door from me. It said Jacob had gotten bitten while all the kids were climbing on top of each other to get to the mat for story time. As I continued down the page it said he had been bit on the butt. I chuckled to myself and then went in to get him. As we were walking down the hall he turns around and says, "Fwiends bite my butt, Mommy!" Then I laughed out load and he did too. He said it hurt but he was okay. There wasn't even a mark on him when we got home.

He has become super excited to go to school in the mornings and when you ask who he is going to see he says, "My girlfriend Zeta." Zeta is a little blond haired blue eyed girl who is about 3 inches taller than Jacob. I guess he is like his daddy and likes tall blonds! But don't call her just his friend because he will correct you and say, "she is my girlfriend." I do not know where he learned that term, but he does.

Kristin's Last Day :(

Kristin, my new friend down here, has her degree in microbiology and got offered a new job making more than she could pass up. So she had to leave the Buckle, and I was so sad to see her go. We have gotten so close and I really enjoyed being able to spend time with her at work. Oh well, this DOES NOT mean our friendship is over and we are definitely still hanging out with her and her husband. In fact I have plans with her tomorrow and Josh is going to a college football game with Ian, her husband. He works for Coca Cola and got great tickets for him and Josh and they get to go to a lot of pre game stuff. Josh is super excited and cannot wait to have a guys day! Even though we are sad to see her go, we know it is not the last time we will be seeing her!

Way Behind... Grandpa John's Visit

Playing on the couch

Auntie Eia and Caden Bug

Jampa John and Jacob

Jacob watching Toy Story (his new favorite)

Jampa John sleeping through the mayhem in the early morning

Wake up Auntie Eia

Jampa John and Caden Bug


How Sweet

He loves his Auntie Eia

I know I am a little late posting this but we have been super busy. Last weekend Jampa John and Auntie Eia came down for a visit! The boys were so excited to see them, we played all weekend. Every morning Jacob would wake up and go lay on the couch with Freia and then tell her that he wanted to go play with Mommy's hair. So he would move from the couch to our bed. They got to see Josh's store and we all went out to eat Saturday night. The left Sunday morning and we were all so sad to see them go. Can't wait for the next visit!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Caden and the Penguin

Auntie Eia brought with her a dancing Happy Feet penguin. And Caden loves anything that sings and dances. So during breakfast this morning she got it out and he fell in love. Now he wants it to continually dance and sing on the coffee table while he dances and sings along with it. It is so cute!

Where'd Match go?

First off Grandpa John and Auntie Eia came over last night to spend the weekend so to make their beds we had to rearrange the living room and throw all the couch pillows into the corner. Secondly, Jacob has named all his trucks starting with his favorite one: it is a big blue and yellow dump truck named Match. He watches the movie Cars and the big Mac truck that carries Lightning McQueen is named Mac. Jacob thinks his name is Match, hence the name for his big dump truck, Match. He also has a Tonka, RC, and Dumpy. Ok so back to the story, this morning when he woke up the pillows to the couch were thrown in Match's resting place and Jacob was worried about him. So he ran over to the pile of pillows and started throwing them off until he found Match. Then he proceeded to tell me that there was not enough room to push him around and that he needed to go out on the sidewalk to push him. Too bad its raining!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Our little rock band

Kristin came to play!

Today after Kristin got off work she decided to come over and hang out for awhile until Ian, her husband, got done with school. The boys had just woken up from naps and were so excited to play with her. I got some footage of the playtime too!
The first video is of Caden holding onto the chicken dance Elmo and not letting go: he was dancing with it,but stopped as soon as I got out to camera. The second one is of them dancing to Mickey Mouse.

Jacob: My Snuggly Little Guy

Today while Caden was taking a nap I decided to wash and change our sheets. Jacob loves to help me make the bed by throwing the pillows onto the bed and letting me put them in place. Since he wasn't feeling so good, as soon as the bed was made he wanted to lay down on it. I guess he thought it looked comfy and inviting. So I went and found his blanket and one to cover up with and we laid down and snuggled until he decided he would rather go watch Woody and Buzz. I love when he wants to snuggle with me!

I promised Josh I wouldn't do this, but...

You are probably asking yourself why Caden is wearing a pink onesie, so here is the answer:

Yesterday before we left for the doctor I had to pack a diaper bag for the boys. (I hadn't used one since Sunday) So I go to empty it out and restock it with juice and cheeze-its. I look in and there is a pink shirt wrapped in a ribbon with a small tag on it that says, "Thanks for being a guest at KidQuest at Steven's Creek Church." I unwrapped it and this outfit on Caden was his present. I am guessing they ran out of blue ones, that or they thought my little boy in plaid shorts and a polo was a girl. Josh and I thought this was such a cool idea, and I immediately searched Jacob's bag hoping he had one too. He didn't, but oh well. The shirt says, "My church rocks," and has a guitar on it. The back of it says Stevens Creek Community Church, what a cool idea for guests!

Sick Boys

I had to take both boys to the doctor yesterday because both had pink goopy eyes and horrible green runny noses. After waiting 3 long hours with two tired boys we got a diagnosis, prescriptions, and set a follow up appointment. Jacob and Caden both have pink eye in both eyes and an ear infection in their left ears. So they got the same prescription (different doses). The doctor said there is some sort of bacteria that will cause you to get both pink eye and an ear infection so luckily I am not having to do eye drops, an antibiotic will cure both! But when Jacob's poor little body gets mixed with an antibiotic: the outcome is not good. So after two bad diapers this morning we are eating yogurt, and lots of it! Good thing the same thing doesn't happen with Caden. I stripped down their sheets and blankets and pillowcases early this morning when they woke up and washed them in hot water and dried them on high so that they would be clean and pink eye free for nap time. But Caden started getting sleepy before they were done drying so I put on a spare sheet and tried to give him another blanket, but that did not suffice! He laid in bed crying for his blanket, so I rushed to the dryer and found that his blanket was dry. I gave it to him and now he is down for a nice long nap! Say a prayer for my little guys to get better! Love you guys!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


That one word makes a mother of two boys in diapers cringe. Not only do I cringe when I open the diaper to find a nice surprise... I especially do not like looking down on the floor to find the surprise all over it!

Last night after I changed a horrible diaper of Caden's that was already on his leg, I put him and Jacob into the bath and started cleaning up the litter of toys on the floor. When I reach for one of the wooden blocks I notice something right beside it, definitely not a toy and definitely not something anyone wants on their carpet. So yes I had to begin scrubbing the floor with bleach and resolve hoping it would come out and hoping I would not get sick during the process. Luckily everything came up and it is as good as new!

Train Table Take 2

If you all read my previous blog about the painful 3 hour process of putting the train table together and its complete demise shortly thereafter I will skip to 2 months later...

After losing all hope in the train table I left it in a state of total despair, only getting worse as the days went by. Finally getting tired of stepping on random pieces of the tracks and its counterparts every time I walked into the kids bedroom, I decided to do something about it. I took the whole thing down (not that there was much left) put all the pieces in the drawer pressed up against the wall and made one circular level track for Jacob. He absolutely loved it and immediately sat down on the table and began pushing the train down the tracks...

5 minutes later... Caden comes barreling into the room heading straight for the table. In one quick sweep I grabbed him up and told him the train track was off limits to him until he gets bigger and I told Jacob if he wants to play with it where Caden can't get to him then he has to shut his door. Periodically he will go in there and play with it. SUCCESS :)

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Josh, the boys, and I met up with Michael, a guy that works for Josh, and his girlfriend so we could all go visit Steven's Creek again. Michael and his girlfriend had never been and Josh and I have used the excuse that we were super busy and haven't been going. So throughout the week we made plans with Michael and his girlfriend to go this morning. Since they have three services 8:30, 10:00, and 11:30 Josh is able to go the 10:00 and make it to work in time for the mall to open. We got there 5 minutes before it started and they had started a new process to get the kids in class so we had to stand in line for awhile. But once they got their stickers with their numbers on them (too long of a process to explain) they went into their classes. They went without trouble and looked excited to be there, which made it easier on me and Josh when dropping them off. Then the four of us headed into church. Since we had to stand in line forever we were a little late getting into praise and worship so the usher only had a spot for us in the second row. Because their stage is huge and the lighting and everything is so elaborate its kind of like being at the movies and you have to crane your neck to see the projector in front of you... luckily they have them everywhere so you can pick one to look at. Their praise and worship is seriously like being at a concert, so of course we love that part. But the sermon was awesome too! Pastor Marty has been leading a series called U Pick'em where in July they had passed out papers and had everyone write questions down and this morning was a Q & A service, where he answered a bunch of the questions at once. It was so cool and very informational... we were definitely impressed and can't wait to go back!

If you have a couple minutes you can watch the service on
Love you guys!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Birthday Time!

Ooooo CAKE!

Can I eat it?


This is soooo good!

Yay! I'm all done!

Printer for Josh... Blocks for Caden

Cheesy Jacob

I want more!

All clean and playing with my blocks!

Be still boys! :)

Our family!

Caden trying to push his blocks across the floor

PopPop and Jacob playing cars.

Josh and Jacob playing cars

Jim and Kathy brought the boys down here and spent the night. Tuesday before they left we had a small belated birthday party for Josh and Caden. Josh got a printer for our computer and Caden got some blocks, plus the leap frog toy MiMi and PopPop got him back home. We couldn't leave Jacob out so Kathy got him some matchbox cars. The party was complete with ice cream cake and a mini cake for Jacob and Caden to share.