Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Yay my boys are home!

For my birthday Josh had Kathy and Jim watch the boys so we could spend solo time together; which is not something we get to do often considering the rising cost of babysitters! I charged like 4 dollars an hour when I babysat, now the going rate is 10 dollars an hour! This is a 6 dollar an hour inflation in 8 years! Wow, maybe I should babysit for a living... oh wait I do, I just don't get paid to do it. Anyways, when we got the boys they were so excited to see us and Caden would not let go of me. We met them in Atlanta and had dinner and then headed home, I was so glad to have them back!
Today when I came home from work for a couple minutes to get my jeans that needed hemming, Jacob threw a fit when I told him I had to go back to work. He kept grabbing onto my leg and pouting while saying, " Don't go back to work mommy I will miss you so much," and "I need you here with me mommy." He was fluttering his eyelids and sticking his lips out, how did such a young child master the art of manipulation? Well it didn't work on me, I eventually went back to work after catching it on the video camera. Leaving Josh with a screaming child because, "Daddy does not have fun things for me to do!" Josh said he cried for 30 minutes when he woke up from his nap also because he wanted me at home.
Now he is offering me cheese out of his pocket. He comes up with the weirdest things! (the cheese is fake)