Sunday, November 2, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

7 Things About Me

I make up songs with my kids names in them to the tune of the Spiderman theme song.

2. Before I got married and had children I could not stand to clean up after myself... now I get joy out of it. I love everything about organizing and cleaning and would even do it for other people.

3. I am allergic to real Christmas trees... If I touch them I break out in a huge rash.

4. I LOVE to sing, but do it terribly. I always say that I would give my right leg to be able to sing and that I promise I would be the best one-legged singer there was.

5. I am looking forward to making up new family traditions this holiday season since we are unable to come home for them.

6. I love the taste of sponges... not the kind you clean with, but the sponge roller kind. I could chew on them all day! I don't eat them, I just love to chew on them. And recently I found out Caden-bug does too. After seeing him chew off (and try to eat) the sponges on the headphones.

7. I am the second of five children and I loved having a big family growing up. I always told myself I would have a lot of kids like my parents did, but after having two boys 15 months apart I have found that I am done. I do not like being pregnant (probably the worst 18 months of my life- what with being in so much pain and uncomfortable- swollen with acid reflux) But I am so blessed to have my wonderful baby boys that I would not change it for the world (but that does not mean I want more.)

I tag Brittany Wilkerson and Natalie


Natalie said...

ok the sponge thing is weird! LOL but very funny!!

theotherridges said...

We all have strange things like the sponges. I love to chew on tin foil. I have not done it in years, but my mouth is literally watering thinking about it.

John said...

I remember how much you liked to sing...especially to music you were listening to with headphones on! LOL!

The Sandefurs said...

Sponges, really? Some things should remain a secret! Ha! Just kidding!

BTW, thank you for your sweet comments on my recent post. It was truly my pleasure to be your nurse. I always feel so honored to attend such a blessed, important event with a family whom I know and love!