Sunday, November 30, 2008

Discovering the Christmas Tree

Both of the boys love the Christmas tree and want to touch it all the time! So last night I took some pictures of them in front of it. As always Caden my little scaredy-cat had a hard time warming up to it, but once he did I could barely keep his hands off it!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

It's Beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

So I got the decorating bug and brought out the decorations I already have. Not many since we really haven't had a Christmas in our own place, so I must go shopping! I already ordered Caden a stocking from Pottery Barn ( I just hung a fake one in his honor) and it was only 12.99, plus 5.00 for monogramming. I am getting really excited and cannot wait for Christmas to be here! We will get to see all our family at different times during the next few weeks, yay for the Holidays! And none of this would be happening if our Lord had not been born, I am so thankful to know my Savior and to be able to teach my children about Him.

My Silly Boy

Recently the boys have taken a liking to go through my purse. No matter where I put it out of their reach they find it. This morning it was on the counter and Jacob got on a chair and climbed up to start digging through it. He found Josh's sunglasses and said he needed them to find his sippy cup.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Praise Jesus! Our little preacher boy

Our First Thanksgiving away from Home

This was our first Thanksgiving away from home, and it wasn't too bad. Yes we missed our family back home a lot, but we began new traditions as the Williams Family. I got to cook my very first Thanksgiving dinner, and it turned out pretty well. Everyone was satisfied and nothing burned! Although Paula Deen's macaroni and cheese did not end up the way we wanted it. I believe I cooked it too long and it lost the gooey-ness , but it was still better than velveeta mac-n-cheese! We bought a fried turkey from this place called Wifesaver, definitely the best turkey I have ever had! I normally don't like turkey because it is so dry, but a fried one is very juicy; as Jacob would say, "It was bery tasty!" Of course no big meal is the same without jalapeno corn and hashbrown casserole; we also had many crescent rolls and cheesecake. And then the sleepiness set in: Jacob and I took a nap and now Josh is going to take his. This was a great Thanksgiving and I am so thankful we were able to enjoy it!

The boys waiting on food

Our turkey

Hashbrown casserole, jalapeno corn, and the mac-n-cheese

About to eat, Jacob said the blessing over it

Caden-bug with his plate

Jacob eating a roll

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Where did it all go?

While I was in the kitchen preparing food for tomorrow Jacob came up to tell me he had to go poopy in the potty. So I took his pants off and he went in my room to go to the bathroom (he can turn the light on better in that one.) About 10 minutes later he came back in to tell me he was done. I asked him if he needed me to wipe him and he said no he did it himself but there were no more towels in the bathroom. This confused me, but I went ahead and wiped him anyway (he was clean.) About 20 minutes later after I was done cooking I went in the bathroom to make sure he had flushed, and there sat all the "towels." Just this morning I had put a new roll on the paper holder and Jacob had used the entire roll to wipe his bottom... and put it all in the toilet! Needless to say I plunged for about 5 minutes to get it all down!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

They grow up so fast!

Kathy sent me these videos on her phone earlier today. They were so long ago (a little fuzzy)!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Playing with cousin Max

Max taking a huge bite out of a banana

Eating a cheese sandwich

Caden making a huge mess with spaghetti

Jacob walked up to this bird and said, "Hello baby red bird!" (it is gray)

JJ fell asleep in Max's bed

Caden never has 2 socks on! Just one!

Trying to get them to pose for a picture! Can you believe Max is 4 months younger than Caden? He wears the same size shoe as Jacob.

Playing outside in Byron, GA