Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Three Little Pigs...

Before Jacob goes to sleep, whether it is nap time or bed time he has to hear the story of The Three Little Pigs. He absolutely loves that story ( and it takes me all of 5 minutes to tell it) he even helps me out with some parts. Tonight was no different and after I rocked Caden for a minute and put him down in his bed, I got Jacob out of his bed and sat down in the rocker to tell him the story. While I was doing this he would just stare at me and listen to me, it is so sweet. It reminded me of when my dad used to make up stories to tell us every night before bed. He had this ongoing story about two snakes named Slither and Glitter with their 27 baby snakes including Anthony snake Courtney snake JJ snake and Freia snake. We used to beg Dad to tell us these stories and each one was different and continued on from the story before. The Three Little Pigs is beginning to get old so I think I will have to come up with my own tales.

Recently I have been worried about Caden not liking to read as much as Jacob, but for the past couple days he has really gotten into it. He will bring me books to read him and I catch him sitting in his room quietly- flipping through books. I am so thankful because I thought he was never going to want to read with me. And that is one of my favorite things to do with Jacob. Maybe this will help him want to talk more. I am so surprised at how different they are- at this age Jacob was talking to us in 3 word sentences and all Caden does is jabber in his own language. Once back home I was super worried about this and discussed it with our old doctor- Dr. Wiley. He told me his oldest boys were the exact same way, and by the time his second was almost 2 he just started talking like the oldest one. I guess it is common for second boys. We will see.


kathy said...

What a sweet post.....such precious times with your babies! Don't worry about Caden....he'll just wake up one morning and say "what's for breakfast?"

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to read your post. I have had all the same worries about Aaron you mentioned about Caden. He started liking books much later than Austin and although he looks at them, he still won't sit and let me read them. He has the attention span of maybe 2-3 seconds. He also has just started putting 3 word sentences together. So, I get it and I agree kids are just different and develop at different rates. Thanks for sharing