Friday, September 12, 2008

There are always a million things going on here...

Josh has recently decided that he wants me to become a baker of sweets for him and the "boys." He claims he needs something sweet to munch on when he is waiting on dinner or before bed time. So instead of buying candy he has been looking up recipes for me to make him. The first one was granola mixed with peanut butter and honey, the next one was "puppy chow" crispix cereal covered in chocolate peanut butter and powdered sugar. And finally after going to the store last night and figuring something out for myself I decided to make white chocolate covered pretzels. The first two tempted me to eat them because they were so good, but I do not like chocolate covered pretzels at all and Josh does, so I figured this would work out well. Not only does he want me to make sweets to satisfy his cravings, but also he wants me to make different types of meals than the usuals. So today I decided to make a pot roast in the crock pot (recipe thanks to Claire Wood.) I love to make things in the crock pot because it does not entail much, but it makes everyone's tummies happy, especially Josh's. And my last task for the day is beginning the potty training business. I know Jacob is only 29 months, but he is so smart and knows that he should be going to the bathroom in a potty. Not only does he hide from me when he poops, he also tells me when to change his diaper. Any child who can do those things has to be ready for the potty, right? Well I hope so. All morning long he has run around in only a shirt and has peed 3 times in his potty. We put it in front of the TV so he will not get bored. Not only has he peed 3 times, but I did not have to ask him to do it, he voluntarily did it himself. I am giving him only water to drink. Now it is nap time and I am hoping that he will not pee in his sleep (he is wearing a diaper) but I told him if he peed when he got up and not in his diaper he would get a surprise! Let's see if that will work. So like I said before, there are always a million things going at once. :) But I love to stay busy!

Jacob peeing in his potty... no he did not sit there all morning :)

Cooking the pot roast

Melting the white chocolate

The different shaped pretzels

Finally finished!


V-n-J said...

'puppy chow' reminds me of 'monkey munch' from John & Kate plus 8. I've never made a pot roast - whatever is in that crockpot looks yummy. btw if you haven't tried them yet, get some crockpot liners. they rock! clean up is a breeze using them:)

Anonymous said...

That's sweet of you to do that for your boys! And it looks yummy too! Good luck with the potty training... sounds like you are off to a good start. Ansley is showing signs she is ready too but some days she refuses to cooperate.

brittany said...

yay for jacob and his potty going! i love atl. how is everything with you?

kathy said...

You guys are hilarious....never a dull moment!