Saturday, September 20, 2008

I love Fall days!

Brittany got these slippers for Jacob, but Caden loves them too!

I guess he wants to catch up on his reading

Pushing a dump truck like big brother!

Caden was scared of this little weed growing through our back porch.

He would barely touch it and then laugh or run away

He is contemplating touching it

I don't think so

In a bad mood after nap time

Feeling better

Going to feed the ducks

Throwing bread into an empty pond (we could not find the ducks)

Playing on the tennis courts

Instead of running he would gallop

Jacob and his lawnmower


Chasing each other

The acorns Jacob brought to me

Caden trying to eat the acorns

Please can I eat one?

What's going on?

He wanted to play with the lawnmower...

Or just throw it

There we go

Into the wagon

And he's stuck

The beautiful sky we were playing under!

Going down the slide at McDonalds

Some boy he wanted to go home with instead of me.

Watching big brother play

I love to eat!


kathy said...

Thank you for sharing these pictures with us! Those babies are so beautiful....I just look at them and want to squeeze them! I just can't wait until ya'll can come in October! I love you all!

John said...

I love your blog, and all the pics. Thx for doing this! Love, Dad

Richy and Brittany said...

I love the shoes and I am glad to see you didn't throw them away once you got home...ha ha..I am glad Caden is enjoying them as well. I miss you guys like crazy! COME HOME SOON!

Claire said...

Glad to see you all are staying busy. Caden's Cars' houseshoes look like he's getting around on a pair of roller skates. It looked like you were having one of those "we cannot take it another minute inside" kind of days..I have those a lot. I know how you feel. We miss you guys! Give the kids hugs from the Wood family.

Anonymous said...

I love fall days too... Looks like you all had a fun day! You guys should go to the Apple House when you come up in October. There's not a lot to do there but the apple dumplings are worth the drive. :)

LTF said...

hehe love the thing about the weed!

theotherridges said...

We miss you guys! Can't wait to see you!