Friday, September 19, 2008

Potty Training Update

It has been exactly 7 days since we began potty training and it is going so well! I am so proud of my big boy and how he has picked up on this so fast. He maybe has 1 or 2 accidents a day, but he realizes it before he is done and runs to the potty to finish. He is doing both (pooping and peeing) in the potty and now we are working on keeping his underwear dry. He wakes up from his naps with a dry pull up and this morning when he woke up he had barely gone in his diaper all night! I tell him all the time that I am so proud of him that I could cry. So now when I tell him I am so proud of him he ends with, "You could cry!" He is so funny and doing so well! Yay for Jacob!


Anonymous said...

Way to go, Jacob! That is awesome!

kathy said...

I just can't believe it's time for him to be out of diapers! I could just cry right along with you! Anyway, tell Jacob that Mimi is proud of him, too! I love you guys!