Saturday, September 13, 2008

Matching Jammies

Today when we ventured to Target to get big boy undies and a reward for peeing in the potty I saw pajamas on sale for 5 dollars! They were so cute and thermal so I decided we had to get them. Tonight after washing and drying them the boys are wearing them to bed and I took pictures.

P.S. Earlier Jacob said, "Mommy I have to go poopoo in the potty." So we ran to the potty and I let him shut the door. He was in there for a few minutes, and I expected him to just pee because "poopoo" means pee to him. Then he calls out my name to come get him (he has not mastered opening the doors yet) and I went in there and he had pooped! Not like the picture in the last blog, a real one! We danced around and I told him how proud of him I was! I am so excited that he is getting this, and I almost cried because he is getting so big!

My two boys in their matching jammies!

Caden- bug (I have to hold him still to take a picture)

My sweet potty using big boy Jacob

Wrestling, as usual


Jacob is such a big boy!


The Sandefurs said...

Yeah Jacob! I am so proud of you! Courtney, I feel your pain when it comes to potty training, although it sounds like Jacob is getting it much faster then Hudson did. However, he is finally staying dry in undies and doing really well. And just think; we both get to do it again with baby boy #2!!!

kathy said...

I love the pajamas.....they are so cute! And yes, Jacob is growing up too fast, but, they won't be babies forever! It is sad, though! They're wonderful and I love you all!

Claire said...

I am so glad to see all of the good things going on with your sweet family. We miss you like crazy and can't wait to see you again.