Thursday, September 18, 2008

Care Package #2

We got another care package from MiMi! And guess what was in it? A new web camera so we can talk to them over Skype. As soon as I got it I decided we had to put it up immediately. Well I still cannot figure it out. I have tried calling my dad and Kathy on it but no one can hear me. I can hear them but for some reason there is no sound coming out of my mouth! The video works great, I found a switch on it so hopefully it will work now. But there is no one to call because they have all gotten offline :(. While I was trying to figure all of this out Caden was throwing a huge fit on the floor because I was ignoring him (see picture below.) Anyways... now we can talk to long distance family and see them at the same time! Yay this is so exciting. Thanks MiMi and PopPop! Not only did we get a video camera, but the boys got pajamas and Jacob got underwear with Cars on them. Which he had to immediately open and put a pair on. We also got groceries and a picture fram full of pictures (see below.) Jacob keeps looking at it and saying, "That's me and MiMi, and that's me and PopPop!" It is super cute.

Our new web cam

The frame MiMi sent us

Caden throwing a fit

More fit

So mad at mommy!


V-n-J said...

Glad you guys got it set up! heard the boys love it:) oh and you can always call us - we're logged on all the time!