Saturday, September 27, 2008

Potty Training Update

Jacob has not had an accident in 4 days, besides peeing at night time while he sleeps. And today we had our first outing in big boy undies! No accident! He is such a big boy!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

I love Fall days!

Brittany got these slippers for Jacob, but Caden loves them too!

I guess he wants to catch up on his reading

Pushing a dump truck like big brother!

Caden was scared of this little weed growing through our back porch.

He would barely touch it and then laugh or run away

He is contemplating touching it

I don't think so

In a bad mood after nap time

Feeling better

Going to feed the ducks

Throwing bread into an empty pond (we could not find the ducks)

Playing on the tennis courts

Instead of running he would gallop

Jacob and his lawnmower


Chasing each other

The acorns Jacob brought to me

Caden trying to eat the acorns

Please can I eat one?

What's going on?

He wanted to play with the lawnmower...

Or just throw it

There we go

Into the wagon

And he's stuck

The beautiful sky we were playing under!

Going down the slide at McDonalds

Some boy he wanted to go home with instead of me.

Watching big brother play

I love to eat!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Potty Training Update

It has been exactly 7 days since we began potty training and it is going so well! I am so proud of my big boy and how he has picked up on this so fast. He maybe has 1 or 2 accidents a day, but he realizes it before he is done and runs to the potty to finish. He is doing both (pooping and peeing) in the potty and now we are working on keeping his underwear dry. He wakes up from his naps with a dry pull up and this morning when he woke up he had barely gone in his diaper all night! I tell him all the time that I am so proud of him that I could cry. So now when I tell him I am so proud of him he ends with, "You could cry!" He is so funny and doing so well! Yay for Jacob!

Sausage, Eggs, and OJ

This is the boys' breakfast menu every morning. They won't eat cereal bars or poptarts or even cereal anymore, so Josh and I have to make sausage and eggs for them every morning. When I was growing up (walking uphill both ways) this was a special breakfast morning meal for us... but this is done everyday! All I can say is they are both spoiled and getting their protein!

Eating while watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

Chowing down in his high chair

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Three Little Pigs...

Before Jacob goes to sleep, whether it is nap time or bed time he has to hear the story of The Three Little Pigs. He absolutely loves that story ( and it takes me all of 5 minutes to tell it) he even helps me out with some parts. Tonight was no different and after I rocked Caden for a minute and put him down in his bed, I got Jacob out of his bed and sat down in the rocker to tell him the story. While I was doing this he would just stare at me and listen to me, it is so sweet. It reminded me of when my dad used to make up stories to tell us every night before bed. He had this ongoing story about two snakes named Slither and Glitter with their 27 baby snakes including Anthony snake Courtney snake JJ snake and Freia snake. We used to beg Dad to tell us these stories and each one was different and continued on from the story before. The Three Little Pigs is beginning to get old so I think I will have to come up with my own tales.

Recently I have been worried about Caden not liking to read as much as Jacob, but for the past couple days he has really gotten into it. He will bring me books to read him and I catch him sitting in his room quietly- flipping through books. I am so thankful because I thought he was never going to want to read with me. And that is one of my favorite things to do with Jacob. Maybe this will help him want to talk more. I am so surprised at how different they are- at this age Jacob was talking to us in 3 word sentences and all Caden does is jabber in his own language. Once back home I was super worried about this and discussed it with our old doctor- Dr. Wiley. He told me his oldest boys were the exact same way, and by the time his second was almost 2 he just started talking like the oldest one. I guess it is common for second boys. We will see.

Care Package #2

We got another care package from MiMi! And guess what was in it? A new web camera so we can talk to them over Skype. As soon as I got it I decided we had to put it up immediately. Well I still cannot figure it out. I have tried calling my dad and Kathy on it but no one can hear me. I can hear them but for some reason there is no sound coming out of my mouth! The video works great, I found a switch on it so hopefully it will work now. But there is no one to call because they have all gotten offline :(. While I was trying to figure all of this out Caden was throwing a huge fit on the floor because I was ignoring him (see picture below.) Anyways... now we can talk to long distance family and see them at the same time! Yay this is so exciting. Thanks MiMi and PopPop! Not only did we get a video camera, but the boys got pajamas and Jacob got underwear with Cars on them. Which he had to immediately open and put a pair on. We also got groceries and a picture fram full of pictures (see below.) Jacob keeps looking at it and saying, "That's me and MiMi, and that's me and PopPop!" It is super cute.

Our new web cam

The frame MiMi sent us

Caden throwing a fit

More fit

So mad at mommy!

Monday, September 15, 2008

While the big boy is sleeping...

Caden bug watches Baby Einstein.

And plays in Daddy's extra-cord drawer...

Annual Check-Ups

Today I took the boys in to see Dr. Newton for their annual check-ups. We are little late on both, but they came during our move and getting settled into our new routine. So 3 weeks ago when they went in for ear infections I went ahead and scheduled this appointment. We are so lucky to have found Dr. Newton, he is young and has four kids of his own. He reminds me a lot of our doctor back in Chattanooga, Dr. Wiley, and we loved him as a doctor. Jacob and Caden both seem to like Dr. Newton. The only problem Caden has with him is that every time we go, Dr. Newton has to clean out his ears because they are so full of earwax. Trust me I do this too, but I can't get the hard to reach stuff that Dr. Newton gets with his special tool. While this was happening Jacob kept yelling, "Do not hurt my little brother, Caden!" He was so worried that Caden was upset, the nurse was in awe that he was trying to protect him, I told her wait til we get home and he will be the one hurting him. I guess only big brother is allowed to make him cry. Anyways with any well visit you are more likely to have to get shots (unless it is the 9 month where no needs are present.) Jacob got his first round of Hep A and a nasal spray they are doing instead of the flu shot. Caden on the other hand had to get 4! He got a flu shot, MMR, chicken pox, and DTAP, he had a fit! Poor little guy was so upset. And once again Jacob was worried about someone hurting his little brother. Once we got home it was lunchtime and nap time. What a busy day!

On our way to see Dr. Newton

Cheese Jacob

The sign to Augusta Pediatric Association

This is our Dr.'s office!

I had to put the trashcan up so they would stop getting into it.

Eating cheese-its before our shots!

Whatchou talkin bout? (This is his new saying)

Chowing down on cheese-its

Ready to go home!

Poor Bug had 4 shots!