Wednesday, July 2, 2008


As I look out onto the back porch where my kids are playing, the thought, "Am I a redneck?" runs through my mind. Not only am I letting them play outside with just a diaper on, but people can actually see them! We are on the bottom floor at the end of the building so everyone has to walk past our apartment to get to their car. Already this morning they have been waved at by a couple people passing by. But I guess I don't really care because they are comfortable and having a good time ( a good enough time to where I actually have a moment to myself to write this.) I guess whatever makes them happy, because their happiness does not rely on what clothes they are wearing and what brand makes them. As long as they are comfortable they just don't care! Man I wish I had that innocence... :)


Anonymous said...

Guess we're rednecks too... haha! Ansley is running around in her tshirt and diaper b/c she spilled her drink and got her shorts wet. Oh well, at least they aren't out in public! The boys look adorable no matter what they have on!!! Beth

V-n-J said...

wait til you see the pic of my little 'redneck' on the beach! at least yours has a diaper on! mine pulled his off and ran straight into the water!!!