Monday, June 30, 2008


As I was reading my book Jacob came up to me complaining about his toe hurting. I look down and he was bleeding all over my leg and the library book I was reading (I don't know how I am going to explain that one.) I put him on the counter to begin looking for a bandaid and neosporin. There was the neosporin but of course no bandaids. So I quickly clean up the cut and put shoes on the boys and head to Walgreens. Instead of going to Walgreens something made me turn left and go to Fred's. I get the boys in a buggy and head down to the first aid aisle. After getting my products we head to the register and Jacob sees a big blue lollipop. I go ahead and give it to him since he ate a good dinner and as soon as I unwrap it and hand it over I see Caden practically drooling over the lollipop. Jacob gives him a couple licks and we head out to the car, our shopping completed. When we get home I bandage up Jacob and let him and Caden play around while I unload the rest of the stuff we got. As I am emptying the last bag I look down on the kitchen floor and think, "what are those blue drops everywhere?" And then all of a sudden Caden comes running around the corner with a huge grin on his face: his face, hands, and clothes were covered in blue and there in his right hand was the blue lollipop. He had somehow wrestled it away from Jacob and was having the time of his life eating that sucker. Bath time... (they are huge sticky messes!)


kathy said...

How sweet! I can't believe Jacob didn't put up a fight! How is his toe?

Luv you guys! Pop Pop & MiMi

Richy and Brittany said...

Never a dull moment!

Claire said...

Hey Courtney,
I love getting to keep up with you and all three of your boys by reading your blog. Hope to talk to you soon!
