Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Old Friends, New Friends

Lately it has really hit me hard that we are in a new place without our old friends from back home. I miss my friends terribly (not to even mention my family), but these are the friends that were with me through everything! These friends never left my side when things got ugly or scary, they just helped me get through it all. They were with me before I was married or a mom, they have always been there and will always be there. I miss them so much, and it is so hard to have moved away and to be missing out on their huge life changes. Like the ones they saw me through: marriage, babies, moving... you name it and they were a part of it. Now I am missing Brittany go after her first real teaching job and I am missing out on baby Mason growing up. I guess I wouldn't say missing out because I am a part of it through the telephone but it just isn't the same. When both Brittany's basically helped raise my two little ones, I feel like I should be there with Mason and when Brittany decides to have one of her own. This is hard, real hard, but as the weeks have gone by I may have found a substitute for them. Definitely not a replacement because they could never be replaced, but someone who can be a friend down here.

Her name is Kristin and she works for Josh as the freight girl. She has been married for 6 months and her and her husband are also new to the area. She too knows what it is like to be new somewhere and not have any real close friends around. We hit it off from the start, we are so much alike and even though she doesn't have any kids she has 2 dogs so we can relate (both of us care for 3 other beings besides ourselves.) She is funny and fun to be around, we think alike and have the same taste in things. We are both organization freaks and Josh even likes her husband, so maybe we will both make a friend out of this couple. I think Sunday night we are even going to dinner, and Kristin and I are working on surprising Josh with John Mayer tickets in Atlanta. Her husband is a marketing rep for Life Water (which is owned by coke) so if the venue is sponsored by coke we can great tickets for really good prices!

So even though I miss Brittany and Brittney terribly, I am so glad I found a friend down here!

PS Girls if I haven't told you what amazing friends you are then I am sorry because you are! I miss you guys so much and thank you for being there through everything! :)


LTF said...

Glad you found a friend! I can't imagine how hard it must be with just you, Josh, and the boys!

Richy and Brittany said...

crying while I read this! You are amazing and I miss you like crazy! But I am so glad that you have a partner in crime in Augusta! Love YOU!

Claire said...

Miss you Courtney...I am glad you are getting to know someone you have lots in common with. Kristin is lucky to have you as a friend. Hugs and Kisses...

PS- Can we get an update on Josh and how things are going at the Buckle? Miss him too... When I look up at the drums at church it just isn't the same. (Thankfully Ryan hasn't had to fill in, in Josh's absence.)

The Sandefurs said...

So glad that you have met a friend and hopefully more to come. I know how it is to move somewhere and not know anyone. That's why Jeff and I were so glad that God led us to The Minestry Center where we met such a great group of friends! Love you, girl! Jaime