Sunday, July 27, 2008


Jacob and I went to a playground one night, he loved this swing!

Three sisters, Freia JJ and Me

Jacob pushing his dump truck all over the beach

Somebody always has to be buried on the beach... this time its Freia

Me Freia Jacob Caden and Josh hanging out in the water

Look at Caden swimming!

What a big boy!

Caden bug

Oh the breeze!

Taking a break

Jacob the pool shark

He never parts from this dump truck, Caden chased him all over the house.

My sanity is slowly coming bac
k after a SEVEN hour round trip by myself with my two little munchkins. Last year when I made the trip solo with Jacob I told myself I was not going to do it with one let alone two, but somehow I talked myself into taking them to the beach to meet up with my dad Freia JJ Tyler and Freia's boyfriend Josh. Unfortunately my hubby could not make it because he had to be here at the store, but next year he WILL be going with us! I worked Monday and decided to leave here at 5 (which really we didn't leave until 6:30) so that we could eat in the car and then they would fall asleep shortly there after and sleep the entire trip... I was wrong. After fussing for over an hour they finally fell asleep at 10:00 pm. I figured I would get there around 1:00 am, but by then I was lost! Not only was I lost at 1:00 am but my cell phone was dead and I could not get ahold of my dad to come find us. I drove around for about 45 minutes before taking a road I thought might get me there and saw a bar that was still open. So at 2:00 in the morning Jacob and I walk into a bar full of drunken pool players to ask for directions. I can't imagine what they were thinking when I walked into a bar with a 2 year old... mother of the year award should be presented to Courtney K. Williams. Anyways we were not far away so we find the house and dad opens the door claiming he was trying to get ahold of the Grayton Beach police to keep an eye out for me.
After getting over that hump both the boys got to spend time with Aunt Carol (my dad's sister) and Uncle Jim the next day and then we were at the beach a
ll day every day! We have been going to Grayton beach since I was like 8 years old and the neat thing about it is there is this lake attached to the ocean and the deepest it gets is about Caden's chest. So not only is it very shallow and perfect for a 1 and 2 year old, but there are no crazy waves or jelly fish! We had so much fun all week and did not want to head home on Saturday morning.
I was dreading that trip and it went from 7 hours to 8 hours and 30 minutes! They would sleep for
about an hour
and then scream for about 30 minutes. But we made it home and got to spend all afternoon with daddy because he took the night off! Here are some of our lovely pictures!

Jacob and Jampa John looking at a kite

Happy little bug

Aunt JJ and Caden

This was our spot of choice everyday!

Running to the sand!

Auntie Eia and Caden

Jampa John and Caden

Jacob in the sand!

Caden chasing Jacob

Jampa John and Caden bug


kathy said...

WOW! I can't believe how big these boys are getting....just in the last two weeks! Caden has changed soooo much! They are so beautiful! Anyway, it looks like ya'll had so much fun! I'm glad you went, even though I'm sure coming and going wasn't easy. We love you guys and miss you more than we can say! Take care!

The Sandefurs said...

The bar story is one for the books! What a funny memory that you made with your son! Ha! Glad you had a good time.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys had a great vacation! You are brave to do the drive alone... don't think I could. (Love the bar story too!HA!) The boys look so cute. I can't believe how much Caden is growing.

Claire said...

So glad to hear that your vacay was a blast. Looks like everyone had a great time. I love you header picture of the boys in their swimmies. Two hunks on the beach. Miss you guys like crazy.


LTF said...

Wow, you are super woman! I can not imagine that trip alone with two kiddos!

V-n-J said...

LOL! the bar story is one for his baby book:) glad you guys had a great time.