Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Jesus, Bless my Yogret

Tonight was one of those crazy nights... we were watching a movie and lost track of time. All of a sudden my boys were starving (even though it was only 5:00) and I had not made anything yet. Hurriedly I put a can of Chef Boyardee on the stove hoping that tonight they would not be picky. I was wrong: neither one of them wanted it and neither one of them forgot about the hunger pains growing in their bellies. So I throw a hot dog in the microwave for Caden and warm up some sausage for Jacob as I make a sandwich for myself. Finally everyone is pleased so we sit down and begin to eat our food. Jacob decided he wanted some "yogret" because he saw me eating mine. I get it out of the fridge, give him a spoon and he goes to town. It hits me we had not said our blessing yet in the rush of serving dinner. So I tell Jacob we have to say our blessing, he puts down his spoon and waits for me to start it off so he could repeat what I was saying. I ask Jesus to bless our food and that it brings nourishment to our bodies and then in his hoarse little voice he says, "Jesus bless my yogret." It was such a sweet little prayer and I am so blessed to have such wonderful boys... ones that know how to pray (well at least bless the food.) I am so thankful for them and that the Lord entrusted them to me to raise up into mighty men of God, and with His grace it is working so far! :)


kathy said...

They are wonderful boys with a wonderful mommy (and daddy!). You just keep declaring them to be "mighty men of God" and raise them to know Jesus, and that's exactly what they'll be!

We love you! PopPop and MiMi