Thursday, July 31, 2008

Counting Points... Again

After I gave birth to Caden I had to get rid of all my baby weight and more. After doing weight watchers for 6 months I lost a total of 70 pounds! Man I felt so good about myself, so good that I stopped eating good food and starting gaining some of my weight back. I was so upset with myself when I got on the scale the other day that I said to myself, "this is it! I am going to fix this!" Anyways so I am back to counting points again. And I guess I am doing well because I started on Monday and have already lost 6 pounds! I hope to lose a ton more and get down to where I want to be by my birthday in November. Once that happens, I am going on a shopping spree! :)


Claire said...

You go are a walking billboard for Weight Watchers. I wish I could find some of your will power...I need to get back to counting points too. You can now use your GPS to find the nearest weigh in center.. :-)

Anonymous said...

Courtney, I can not imagine you needing to lose more weight. I think you look great. I will probably have to count points after the birth of this baby... or starve myself. :) HA!