Saturday, July 19, 2008

What is a Bodger?

This is the question I asked my 2 year old Jacob as I watched him talking into the couch. While Caden was taking a nap I was sitting on the couch watching HGTV and Jacob was playing with his toys under my feet. All of a sudden I see him talking in to the couch and I watch him for a little bit before I asked him what he was doing. He said that there was a Bodger in the couch and he was talking to it. I asked what a Bodger was and he replied that it lived in the couch. So I played along and started talking to the Bodger. Jacob said, "Mommy don't put your hand in there the Bodger will get you!" Of course I stuck my hand down in the couch and pulled out really fast yelling, "OUCH!" He thought that was hilarious and kept asking me to do it. I kept playing around like the Bodger was biting my hand so Jacob said, "No no Bodger don't hurt my mommy!" He then wanted to do it and pretended it bit him too, naturally I got on to the Bodger for hurting my Jacob. This little joke has been going on all day and every now and then Jacob will go and talk to the Bodger in the couch. It amazes me that my 2 year old has such a big imagination and it is such fun to watch him play!


kathy said...


Anonymous said...

Jacob, you are too funny! We miss you and hope to see you again soon!