Sunday, March 8, 2009

Serving the World

This morning we got up and went to the 10:00 church service at Steven's Creek. The service was awesome, as usual, and the message was on serving the world. They had a cute little skit in the beginning about church volunteers that lead into the message. This morning Kevin gave the sermon, he is the youth pastor, and I loved it! It was all about how our whole mission in life is to serve the undeserving and to put a light into those lives. Lately I have really been wanting to do more with my life, but didn't know where to start. So they gave us these cards at the end of the service asking us where we wanted to serve in the church. As I was reading down the list my eyes ran over middle school and high school ministries and I knew that is where I want to be. So I marked it off and I can't wait to hear what they want me to do! Josh is going to start playing drums on a rotation, and I am so excited about building new relationships in this church! Today was a great day!


kathy said...

I'm so excited for you guys! You both have to many talents and I can't wait to see where God leads you!!

Lindsay Adkins said...

That's great Courtney!!!! It's great when you finally find where it is God wants you to be! You two are such a gifted couple :)