Monday, March 30, 2009

Great Idea Claire!

After I saw this on Claire's blog I just had to run to Target and get some Easter eggs, baskets, bunny-mallows, and stickers. So yesterday after church, nap time, and running some errands I got the eggs ready. Since it was so pretty yesterday and our apartment was full of people I figured I'd let them run around outside. So while Josh kept them inside I basically dumped the eggs out on the grass to "hide" them. Some were a little more tricky than others. Once that was done I came back inside gave the boys their baskets and let them run out there. Jacob understood he was supposed to put as many in his basket as possible, Caden on the other hand just picked up the "balls" and threw them as hard as he could. Needless to say Jacob "won" the hunt with the most eggs, but finally Caden started putting them in his basket. They had so much fun and loved the bunny-mallows in the prize eggs. Thanks Claire for the great idea!

The "hidden" eggs

Going to get the eggs

Jacob found the first stash

Caden running to throw some more!

Look how full his basket is!

These were the tricky ones, I ended up having to point them out.

Going back inside after finding them all.


kathy said...

This is so sweet.....they look like they're having so much fun! It's great practice for the big Easter egg hunt. I'm so glad they'll be here for that! Can't wait to see you guys and to have those precious boys! Love to you all!!