Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Papaw and Cheese!

A couple of weeks when we were in Chattanooga we went to my grandparent's house. While we were there my Mamaw did our taxes and the boys played outside. Once Mamaw was done they came inside and Mom was asking Caden to say Papaw so he started saying it. He said it once and we all clapped so he kept pointing at Papaw and saying his name. So before we left Mamaw went and got a wallet size photo of her and Papaw and gave it to Caden so he could have a picture of Papaw. He was holding it in the car pointing and saying Papaw, then he would point at Mamaw and say "Cheese!" I guess he thought that was her name because she was smiling in the picture. So now he carries the picture around and points at the picture calling them Papaw and Cheese. The picture is all wrinkled up because he loves to carry it around and look at them. How sweet!