Friday, March 6, 2009

Aunt JJ, Cupcakes, and Ear Infections

Today was a very loooong day. It started out with me waking up at 4 am and getting ready for work. I got to the mall and realized I left my work keys at home, luckily it only takes me 5 minutes to get to the mall. So I turned around (after calling the mall security back to tell them I would be back in about 10 minutes) and went home to grab the keys. Got back to the mall and went into work. I haven't had much time to work this week because Josh has been putting in a lot of hours, so I was afraid that when I got there this morning it was going to look bad. Surprisingly though the team did amazing and putting the store together while I was not there. I guess I have trained them well! Ok so I work until 10:15 and then head home to make the boys lunch and let Josh get ready to go into work. I don't know how men have not mastered the art of multi-tasking, maybe it comes with age! :) So around 11 I make the boys and I lunch then get them dressed and head off to the Doctor. Caden has been coughing and has had a runny nose and a touch of fever so I figured it was another ear infection. Yup I was right... 45 minutes later we are out and heading to Walgreens to fill a perscription for Amoxicillan. Normally we would head home for naps, but not today. Jen, our freight girl, is leaving to go to a new job so Josh wanted me to pick up a card and some cupcakes. So we drop off the perscriptions make a quick trip home to grab the double stroller (remember I only live 5 minutes from the mall and doctor.) Then we head to Kroger where we find diapers cupcakes and a card. Next we head to the mall and we get everyone to sign the card and we wait for Jen and Aedan (her little guy) to come in. We have a few cupcakes and then go shopping with Jen to find her some new work clothes. We finally leave the mall around 3 and I'm thinking that the boys would not take a nap... thank you Jesus they did. They both fell asleep in the car and a quickly moved them into their beds. As I lay down on the couch to snooze Britt calls and I talk to her for a bit and then I get a text from JJ saying she was going to be driving through Augusta. I call her and she decides to stop by and eat dinner with me and the boys. Tyler is wrestling in Charleston so she is on her way there. After dinner we run by the mall to get Josh's keys so she could borrow the GPS so she would not get lost in the dark and I gave the boys a cupcake (see pic at top of page.) We came home, took baths, and they were in bed by 8:15! Now I am going to R-E-L-A-X!


kathy said... makes me tired just reading this!! By the way....I love those beautiful faces!!!