Saturday, March 21, 2009

Play-Date at the Mall!

Caden shot me dirty looks when he climbed up on this caterpillar and could not get off!

This is the little guy Caden wanted to hug, but tackled instead...

My sweet Jacob

Climbing on the Lady Bug

Playing together

Going down the slide, he was so proud of himself!

Checking himself out!

Saying Cheese!

How sweet!

Freia and I took them to mall to play and let some energy out. They had a great time; Jacob found a little girl named Amirah to play with, and Caden played with a little 7 month old boy named Nicholas. Jacob and Amirah kept racing all over the play area making Freia and me say, "On your mark get set go!" We played for about an hour, and then Jacob said good-bye to "Mario" yes that is what he called Amirah!