Tuesday, March 31, 2009

2 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed

Monday, March 30, 2009

Great Idea Claire!

After I saw this on Claire's blog I just had to run to Target and get some Easter eggs, baskets, bunny-mallows, and stickers. So yesterday after church, nap time, and running some errands I got the eggs ready. Since it was so pretty yesterday and our apartment was full of people I figured I'd let them run around outside. So while Josh kept them inside I basically dumped the eggs out on the grass to "hide" them. Some were a little more tricky than others. Once that was done I came back inside gave the boys their baskets and let them run out there. Jacob understood he was supposed to put as many in his basket as possible, Caden on the other hand just picked up the "balls" and threw them as hard as he could. Needless to say Jacob "won" the hunt with the most eggs, but finally Caden started putting them in his basket. They had so much fun and loved the bunny-mallows in the prize eggs. Thanks Claire for the great idea!

The "hidden" eggs

Going to get the eggs

Jacob found the first stash

Caden running to throw some more!

Look how full his basket is!

These were the tricky ones, I ended up having to point them out.

Going back inside after finding them all.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


A lot of the time my boys are fighting with each other over one thing or another. Sometimes though they are so sweet to each other. Tonight was one of those nights. Jacob's tummy has been upset for quite some time now and so tonight all he could have was crackers and banana pops, Caden too. So while Jacob was whining for food I offered him a pop and he agreed to one, but told me that Caden-bug needed one too. So I got them both banana pops (with paper towels wrapped around the bottom) and then turned on their movie. I came back out into the living room and started cleaning. They were in their room laughing at each other and it sounded so sweet so I grabbed the camera and snuck up on them. They were both sitting in the Cars couch Dad got for Jacob eating their popsicles and watching their movie. I love these sweet moments between the two of them.

Jacob's Thoughts...

Today as I was putting Jacob's shoes on he looked up at me and said, "You are a good mommy, to infinity and beyond!" How sweet :)

Monday, March 23, 2009

From the Mind of Jacob...

The other day when I went to use the restroom of course Jacob followed me.  I can never have a minute alone in the bathroom.  He just stood there and asked, "Mommy does pee come out of your bottom?"  I knew where this was headed so I just agreed.  Then he said, "No that is not the right word, Mommy what is that word?"  He thought for a few minutes more and then I saw the lightbulb go off in his head.  "No I know the word... pee comes out of your badrino!"  

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Ducks, Geese, and Jampa John

Dad took the picture of us by the lake.

The two geese Jacob fed bread to

Eating a piece of bread

Jampa John helping Caden throw some bread to the geese.

Look how close Jacob got!

Divvying up the bread between the boys.

Jacob accidentally threw the bread on the ground... Jampa John was making sure it got into the water.

I think I was pointing out a duck to him. Who knows?

Dunkin' Donuts

This morning dad went to Dunkin' Donuts and brought home some delicious dough-nuts. The boys went to town and were covered in chocolate icing! Thank you Jampa John!

Play-Date at the Mall!

Caden shot me dirty looks when he climbed up on this caterpillar and could not get off!

This is the little guy Caden wanted to hug, but tackled instead...

My sweet Jacob

Climbing on the Lady Bug

Playing together

Going down the slide, he was so proud of himself!

Checking himself out!

Saying Cheese!

How sweet!

Freia and I took them to mall to play and let some energy out. They had a great time; Jacob found a little girl named Amirah to play with, and Caden played with a little 7 month old boy named Nicholas. Jacob and Amirah kept racing all over the play area making Freia and me say, "On your mark get set go!" We played for about an hour, and then Jacob said good-bye to "Mario" yes that is what he called Amirah!


Jacob wanted a snack the other day so I gave him Freia's leftover Pastaroni. This is how he decided to eat it... on the couch and with his hands! It was all over him and the couch. Oh well at least his belly got full!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Scar Face Caden

Caden joined the scar club today. Jacob had play-dough and Caden got ahold of it. Big uh-oh. Instead of coming to me (which is something we are working on) he decided to take matters into his own hands. He pushed Caden and all I heard was screaming. I ran into the room and blood was running down into Caden's eye. He had split his eyebrow open and I started flipping out. I got it cleaned up, but I was afraid he might need stitches so I woke Josh up and he assured me he did not. It has bled a little off and on today, I am hoping by letting it air out tonight it will scab over. Poor guy is always getting hurt.

Safety Patrol Jacob

Yesterday we were on the porch and Jacob found his tricycle and wanted to ride on it. But he would not go anywhere until I went and got his helmet to put on him. What a little safe guy! Although we were only on the porch he still wanted to be safe. In the background you can see Caden-bug sneaking out the fence. This is the reason we had to go back inside because he refuses to stay on the porch.


Mom brought Freia down here to spend her Spring Break with us and since the boys were in town she brought them here with her. She took the five hour long trek in her 7 person car with: Mom, Freia, Tristan, Domino (the dog), and my boys. Poor woman, she was still sane when she got here, but I am sure she was on the edge! Mom and Tristan and Domino stayed the weekend here before she left to go home. Caden absolutely adores dogs, but he calls them Da-dogs. So he had a blast with Domino. He tried to share his juice with him through his kennel- he gave him toys to play with and even tried to share his Den-Den (his blanket.) But the second Domino got out of the kennel to go for a walk, Caden would run and grab onto my leg, once he was back in the kennel Caden would run over and call him Da-dog and play with him. So I sat him on top and he loved it. He was laughing and petting Domino through the bars. I know he loves them but he is not getting one until he is 10!

Our little pool!

Freia is spending her Spring Break here in Augusta with us and we are so delighted to have her. She brought her swimsuits because it is 80 degrees here and our pool is open year round. Well of course the past two days have been gorgeous and the pool is CLOSED! The sign says it is being treated, but does it really take 2 whole days? So we have our fingers crossed that tomorrow will be beautiful and we will be able to lay out in the sun! So having swimming withdrawals Freia put her swimsuit on and got in the tub with the boys. They loved having Aunt Fweia in there and they completely soaked her! I'm not so sure she will want to spend next Spring Break here!

The Squirrel we never had... or did we?

This morning Freia was telling Jacob about the rabbit she used to have and that he preferred celery over carrots. Jacob then told her that he used to have a squirrel. This was news to me! He started to describe him with such a vivid imagination. Stuck the Squirrel (yes this is the name he gave him) was black and white and had a very stinky tail. And of course everyone in our family loved him and loved to pet him. Unfortunately he ran to another hole... I do not know where he gets this stuff! Here are some more funny things he has said lately:

Freia was cleaning up his cars and he was in his room saying, "This doesn't make any sense!" Freia asked what didn't make sense and his reply was, "I just don't know the word!"

Last night we put his pajamas on him and I accidentally pulled them up too high and we all started laughing. Amidst his laugh Jacob says, "I look like Jampa John!"

Last week when he was with Jim and Kathy they were all riding in the car and Jim and Kathy were talking back and forth. Jacob thought they were arguing so he said, " MiMi stop fussing at Pop Pop and Pop Pop you stop fussing at MiMi because MiMi is a good MiMi!"

He never fails to amuse or surprise me!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Feeding the Ducks

My What a Lovely View!

On our way home from church this is what we saw! I thought I would share this with you all and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! :)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Serving the World

This morning we got up and went to the 10:00 church service at Steven's Creek. The service was awesome, as usual, and the message was on serving the world. They had a cute little skit in the beginning about church volunteers that lead into the message. This morning Kevin gave the sermon, he is the youth pastor, and I loved it! It was all about how our whole mission in life is to serve the undeserving and to put a light into those lives. Lately I have really been wanting to do more with my life, but didn't know where to start. So they gave us these cards at the end of the service asking us where we wanted to serve in the church. As I was reading down the list my eyes ran over middle school and high school ministries and I knew that is where I want to be. So I marked it off and I can't wait to hear what they want me to do! Josh is going to start playing drums on a rotation, and I am so excited about building new relationships in this church! Today was a great day!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Aunt JJ, Cupcakes, and Ear Infections

Today was a very loooong day. It started out with me waking up at 4 am and getting ready for work. I got to the mall and realized I left my work keys at home, luckily it only takes me 5 minutes to get to the mall. So I turned around (after calling the mall security back to tell them I would be back in about 10 minutes) and went home to grab the keys. Got back to the mall and went into work. I haven't had much time to work this week because Josh has been putting in a lot of hours, so I was afraid that when I got there this morning it was going to look bad. Surprisingly though the team did amazing and putting the store together while I was not there. I guess I have trained them well! Ok so I work until 10:15 and then head home to make the boys lunch and let Josh get ready to go into work. I don't know how men have not mastered the art of multi-tasking, maybe it comes with age! :) So around 11 I make the boys and I lunch then get them dressed and head off to the Doctor. Caden has been coughing and has had a runny nose and a touch of fever so I figured it was another ear infection. Yup I was right... 45 minutes later we are out and heading to Walgreens to fill a perscription for Amoxicillan. Normally we would head home for naps, but not today. Jen, our freight girl, is leaving to go to a new job so Josh wanted me to pick up a card and some cupcakes. So we drop off the perscriptions make a quick trip home to grab the double stroller (remember I only live 5 minutes from the mall and doctor.) Then we head to Kroger where we find diapers cupcakes and a card. Next we head to the mall and we get everyone to sign the card and we wait for Jen and Aedan (her little guy) to come in. We have a few cupcakes and then go shopping with Jen to find her some new work clothes. We finally leave the mall around 3 and I'm thinking that the boys would not take a nap... thank you Jesus they did. They both fell asleep in the car and a quickly moved them into their beds. As I lay down on the couch to snooze Britt calls and I talk to her for a bit and then I get a text from JJ saying she was going to be driving through Augusta. I call her and she decides to stop by and eat dinner with me and the boys. Tyler is wrestling in Charleston so she is on her way there. After dinner we run by the mall to get Josh's keys so she could borrow the GPS so she would not get lost in the dark and I gave the boys a cupcake (see pic at top of page.) We came home, took baths, and they were in bed by 8:15! Now I am going to R-E-L-A-X!

DaDa or Momma?

Caden has been calling me DaDa and refuses to call me Momma. So I have been practicing with him on this picture. Dad framed this and mailed it to us a couple weeks ago and it sits on one of my end tables. So everyday I grab it and point at me and say Momma and then point at Josh and say DaDa. He just laughs and points to me and says DaDa. I am so frustrated, but I think he can sense that and is now just being stubborn and not calling me Momma. I have heard him say it several times, but he won't do it for me. So when I am gone at work or running errands and Josh is home with the boys Caden stands at the door and cries for DaDa. Josh will then say I'm DaDa and I'm right here. Caden responds with, "No I want DaDa!" And so they banter back and forth for a couple minutes and finally when Caden gets really frustrated he goes and picks up this picture, points at me and says, "NO I WANT DADA!" So if anyone has any tips to make him call me Momma I am all ears. I joke with Josh and tell him he is going to be out with Caden and he is going to say, "I want my other DaDa," and people are going to look at him really weird. Oh well I guess one day he will catch on and call me Momma, until then he has two DaDas.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Papaw and Cheese!

A couple of weeks when we were in Chattanooga we went to my grandparent's house. While we were there my Mamaw did our taxes and the boys played outside. Once Mamaw was done they came inside and Mom was asking Caden to say Papaw so he started saying it. He said it once and we all clapped so he kept pointing at Papaw and saying his name. So before we left Mamaw went and got a wallet size photo of her and Papaw and gave it to Caden so he could have a picture of Papaw. He was holding it in the car pointing and saying Papaw, then he would point at Mamaw and say "Cheese!" I guess he thought that was her name because she was smiling in the picture. So now he carries the picture around and points at the picture calling them Papaw and Cheese. The picture is all wrinkled up because he loves to carry it around and look at them. How sweet!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Cracker Barrell... the place to be!

Last night Freia and I took the boys to dinner and then we were going to go to Chuck-E-Cheese. It was rainy and cold so we couldn't really go anywhere else so after a yummy dinner at Chili's we head over there. As we pull into the jam-packed parking lot I take one look inside and I knew we were going to have to do something else. The line was out the door and all I could see was a million parties going on. So I tell Jacob a little white lie, "Oh no Chuck-E-Cheese is closed tonight!" I know I'm horrible, but there was no way I was going to go in there. The mall was packed so I knew that play area was out of the question. I asked Jacob where he wanted to go and his reply was, "Let's go to Cracker Barrell!" Freia and I look at each other and start laughing I asked why and he said, "Because they have sausage! And they always give you sausage when you ask for it." I guess endless sausage is his idea of a great time/