Monday, January 26, 2009

A Trip to the Emergency Room

As I was coming home from work on Sunday I stopped at the grocery store to pick up some food for the week. I grab a buggy and then get a panicked phone call from Josh telling me to get home because Caden busted his lip and there was blood everywhere! I left the buggy where it was and ran out to the car. Our grocery store is 1 minute from where we live so I was home in no time. This picture does not even show the half of it. There was blood all over his den-den and him. Josh had rags full of blood and asked if we should take him to the hospital. The cut was pretty deep and there was blood everywhere. I called my cousin and she told me the same thing happened to Jeremiah and she waited until the next day to take him only to hear the Dr. tell her he would have done stitches the day before. So we get the boys and head out to the car. I called a girl from work whose mom is a Nurse and asked her which hospital to go to, she suggested Doctor's Hospital so we went there. It is only like 5 minutes from our house. The waiting room was empty so they sent us on back. A doctor came in a couple minutes later and told us since it was already starting to close on its own it did not need stitches. He could tell we were still worried so he said that if it was his 3 year old in that position he would not put stitches in, because we would have to put him to sleep for basically one stitch. He said we just needed to keep it clean. We left and felt a lot better. Josh and I decided to take the boys to Chili's for dinner since Caden was already feeling better. He danced through the entire meal and ate all his food. I guess it wasn't so bad after all.


Natalie said...

Scary! We went to the emergency room last Monday. NOT FUN! Someone needs to tell our children that they are too fearless and need to stop! :)

kathy said...

Ok, seeing this makes me want to cry! Poor baby....I'm so sorry this happened to him! I know he's ok, they bounce back a lot faster than we do! Give him big, big kisses from Mimi and Pop Pop!!! Hope you guys have recovered from the trauma, as well! Take care and we love you!

The Bates Family said...

Bless his heart! I know you were in a panic! I'm glad he's doing better! Kiss them for me! Love you guys!

Lindsay Adkins said...

i can't image my feelings when my first child hurts themselves. drama..i'm sure ;)

V-n-J said...

Ok thats really scary. How did he hurt himself? I saw him last night and was wondering what happened.

Javan and Jacob had a really fun time playing together last night at church.