Wednesday, January 21, 2009

6 Random Facts About Me

I got tagged by Brittney Bates!

1. I thought I would be extremely sad moving away from home, but I find myself happy most often. Don't get me wrong, I miss everyone terribly from my family to my friends, but everything is going so well for us down here. I feel this move has brought Josh and I and our kids even closer together than we were before. We rely on each other for everything and have made some really great couple friends down here. Work is going great, me working for Josh is going great... it really makes a difference when you both love your jobs! All in all this move has been great and I am truly in a very happy place right now.

2. I absolutely LOATHE working out, but since we have gotten the Wii Fit (thank you Jim and Kathy) I have enjoyed working out and trying to beat Josh's scores. Even on the days I try to skip out I have Jacob yelling in my ear to, "Let's work out together Mommy!" So we turn on the Wii and work out.

3. For the past couple of years my hair has been really short, and I am now thinking I would like to grow it back out. I used to have really long curly hair and I am starting to miss the length and all I can do with it! Although I will probably wear it straight and put huge rollers in it instead of it being naturally curly... so I can have the Jessica Simpson look! :)

4. I LOVE LOVE LOVE being a mother of 2 growing boys! I always envisioned myself as a mother of boys, spending my life at ballparks and football fields, cleaning off muddy hands and faces, and watching them wrestle each other to the ground. Although I would have loved a girl the same, I just love momma's boys. Jacob still plays with my hair (like he did as a baby) and Caden-bug will never pass up the chance to sit in my lap and cuddle with me. I love seeing the rough on the outside but the melting sweetness on the inside. I am so blessed to have these two sweet little boys and I could not imagine my life without them. I may be partially insane by the time they are fully grown, but I can give up a little insanity for these two.

5. I have the most amazing husband in the world! He has always had my back in everything and I have his. We have such an unbreakable bond (that God put there) and our life together has not always been easy. Most statistics are against us, but I know nothing will ever shake us. We have been through almost everything and God has seen us through it. And our relationship and love for each other grows stronger everyday. Josh has always worked so hard at supporting our family and has supported me in the career changes I have made. He helps out so much around the house and takes care of the boys without so much as a whimper (I know some wives/ mothers who are not so lucky). He cooks and cleans and even helps out with laundry occasionally. I could not ask the Lord for a better man for me.

6. People always ask if Josh and I will have children later on once our lives settle down a little bit, I always answer with maybe in 5 years. Honestly I do not think we will have anymore. Like I said before I LOVE my two little boys, and I want to keep my little family of four. I have seen what it is like for my two boys to grow up with an instant best friend and I don't want our next one to grow up 6 years after his/her big brothers. No I think I will keep my family of four, but maybe add a dog in there once the boys can take care of it. I say this, but I do not know what the Lord has planned for us... our life is open-ended!

I tag Natalie.. Aime... and whoever else has not been tagged.