Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Jacob's Random Comments

Random comment #1: The other day Josh and I were laying in bed being lazy and Jacob came running in and said, "Mommy Daddy time to get out of bed it is 40 pound pounds!" Josh and I had no idea what he was talking about until this morning when I asked Jacob what time it was and he said, "It is 40 pound pounds, Mommy." So this is his interpretation of time... I have no idea what it means or where it came from... if you know please enlighten me!

Random comment #2: While I was at work Josh was at home with the boys and Jacob came up to him and said, "Can I have some yogurt sir?" After Josh said yes Jacob followed up with, "I knew I could count on you!" Josh was so surprised he called me at work to tell me about it. Still another comment we have no idea where he got it.

Random comment #3: As Claire said we mommies do not get a second alone in the bathroom. My boys are the same way. The other day I was in the shower and Jacob walked in as soon as I was stepping out and putting a towel on. He looked at me and said, "Mommy you do not have a penis!" Thank you captain obvious. From there I had to explain that Mommy did not have a penis, but something called a vagina. Jacob then said, "Oh so you have a drino?" I guess its better than him telling a stranger the word vagina... with drino no one with know what he is talking about.

Random comment #4: As I am writing this blog Jacob came running into the room yelling, "Mommy Caden-bug pushed a button and I told him no! I was trying to spank him, but he ran away from me!" And then I had to explain that he is not allowed to spank his little brother, only mommy and daddy are allowed to do that.

Random comment #5: Yesterday I thought it would be nice for the boys to get some fresh air and see the snow flurries outside. So after bundling them up and getting their dump trucks we headed outside. After a few pictures and running around Jacob looks up at me and says, "Mommy it is too cold out here to play." Never have I heard a child ask to go back inside! Oh he is such a strange little guy!


kathy said...

That boy is a mess!! You're going to have to buy a journal just to record what he says cause it's just beginning! And then, there's Caden! :) What precious entertainment!! Love to you all!

Anonymous said...

HAHA! He's so funny! I love the things kids come up with. Too cute! Hugs to you all!

Natalie said...

Oh goodness! That is hilarious! :) Olivia told me the other day that Ben had poop in his hair. I was just like... where in the world did you get that??!