Friday, January 30, 2009

Store Visit

Our District Manager, Darren, our Area Manager Daniel and 2 MTs came to visit the store on Thursday. I was so excited because Darren was going to finally get to meet our wonderful kiddos and see everything I had been doing around the store- and then we had to run into trouble. The babysitter we set up to watch the boys turned out to be a WITCH and there was no other way for me to get the store prepared and work our usual schedule. Not only was I merchandising but doing freight as well since our girl is on vacation. After the babysitter made me feel like a horrible mother, I called my mom and she said well why don't you call Kathy and see if she can watch the kids until Saturday and then I will bring them to you on Saturday afternoon. So Josh called Kathy and on Wednesday (the day before Darren came) I met Kathy and Jim in Atlanta. I got back to work at 2 and got to work. We worked all day Wednesday and at 3:00 on Thursday Darren got here! I LOVE Darren- he is amazing and we get along so well, so I was really looking forward to this visit. Although I was a little worried if he would like the way I do things, he loved it. He said I do an amazing job and said our store was the best in the Atlanta Region, well a tie with one of the other stores. While we were having one of our talks, I asked for his complete honest opinion of what I needed to work on because I love doing this job and want to make sure I am doing the best. He said he was very proud of me and that I was doing a great job. He even said, "I wish that you were more in Atlanta so you could travel to all the stores and be in charge of all their merchandising." I was like oh my gosh I would LOVE that, but he said he doesn't want us out of Augusta quite yet. So I told him if he ever needed me to go to any stores I could. That put an idea in his head, and so now I am going to the Mall of Georgia Monday and Tuesday to work in that store! Bad news is I don't get my babies back until Tuesday afternoon; good news my District manager is proud of me and thinks I am good enough to help other stores! I am so super excited!

Monday, January 26, 2009

A Trip to the Emergency Room

As I was coming home from work on Sunday I stopped at the grocery store to pick up some food for the week. I grab a buggy and then get a panicked phone call from Josh telling me to get home because Caden busted his lip and there was blood everywhere! I left the buggy where it was and ran out to the car. Our grocery store is 1 minute from where we live so I was home in no time. This picture does not even show the half of it. There was blood all over his den-den and him. Josh had rags full of blood and asked if we should take him to the hospital. The cut was pretty deep and there was blood everywhere. I called my cousin and she told me the same thing happened to Jeremiah and she waited until the next day to take him only to hear the Dr. tell her he would have done stitches the day before. So we get the boys and head out to the car. I called a girl from work whose mom is a Nurse and asked her which hospital to go to, she suggested Doctor's Hospital so we went there. It is only like 5 minutes from our house. The waiting room was empty so they sent us on back. A doctor came in a couple minutes later and told us since it was already starting to close on its own it did not need stitches. He could tell we were still worried so he said that if it was his 3 year old in that position he would not put stitches in, because we would have to put him to sleep for basically one stitch. He said we just needed to keep it clean. We left and felt a lot better. Josh and I decided to take the boys to Chili's for dinner since Caden was already feeling better. He danced through the entire meal and ate all his food. I guess it wasn't so bad after all.

Poop Happens...

Saturday night I was off to work and Josh was home with the kids, getting ready for Fight Night at our house. He was getting things ready when he got a call from his area manager and went in our room to take the call. If you know our kids, you basically have to lock yourself in another room to take an important call! As Josh was getting off the phone Jacob came running in laughing and saying, "That silly Caden-bug playing with his poopie!" At that moment Josh thought, "Oh my gosh this is going to be bad!" Caden comes running in diaper-less and squishing his hand full of poop screaming because he wants it off his hand! So Josh wipes off his hands AND face and then turns him around only to find his back was covered in it. Josh was gagging and saying, "Who took your diaper off?" Jacob answered with, "I did Daddy because he had a poopie!" Thank you Jacob for changing your little brother's diaper... NOT! So Josh goes into their room to assess the damage and finds a poopy diaper and poop all over the room. After cleaning up he called me at work to tell me the story. I laughed so hard I started crying!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Superhero or Villain?

This morning Jacob found a single black sock in Josh's drawer and put it on. He then turned to me and said, "Mommy I am a superhero!" Amazing what a single black sock can turn you in to! A few seconds later I went into the kitchen to finish preparing taco soup and he came in and said, "I am a superhero and I am going to destroy you!" I replied with, "Superheros do not destroy people they save them, are you being a villain?" He argued that superheros destroy people so I had to tell him the difference between a superhero (someone that saves you) and a villain (someone who tries to destroy you.) I asked him if he understood what I was saying and he nodded yes. So I asked him if he was a superhero and going to save me and Caden-bug and he said no he would destroy us. I said, "So are you a superhero or a villain?" He answered, "I AM A VILLAIN!"

Yes I know he is wearing Christmas pajamas... He made me take a picture of the back of him because that would show his "superhero"

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Jacob's Random Comments

Random comment #1: The other day Josh and I were laying in bed being lazy and Jacob came running in and said, "Mommy Daddy time to get out of bed it is 40 pound pounds!" Josh and I had no idea what he was talking about until this morning when I asked Jacob what time it was and he said, "It is 40 pound pounds, Mommy." So this is his interpretation of time... I have no idea what it means or where it came from... if you know please enlighten me!

Random comment #2: While I was at work Josh was at home with the boys and Jacob came up to him and said, "Can I have some yogurt sir?" After Josh said yes Jacob followed up with, "I knew I could count on you!" Josh was so surprised he called me at work to tell me about it. Still another comment we have no idea where he got it.

Random comment #3: As Claire said we mommies do not get a second alone in the bathroom. My boys are the same way. The other day I was in the shower and Jacob walked in as soon as I was stepping out and putting a towel on. He looked at me and said, "Mommy you do not have a penis!" Thank you captain obvious. From there I had to explain that Mommy did not have a penis, but something called a vagina. Jacob then said, "Oh so you have a drino?" I guess its better than him telling a stranger the word vagina... with drino no one with know what he is talking about.

Random comment #4: As I am writing this blog Jacob came running into the room yelling, "Mommy Caden-bug pushed a button and I told him no! I was trying to spank him, but he ran away from me!" And then I had to explain that he is not allowed to spank his little brother, only mommy and daddy are allowed to do that.

Random comment #5: Yesterday I thought it would be nice for the boys to get some fresh air and see the snow flurries outside. So after bundling them up and getting their dump trucks we headed outside. After a few pictures and running around Jacob looks up at me and says, "Mommy it is too cold out here to play." Never have I heard a child ask to go back inside! Oh he is such a strange little guy!

6 Random Facts About Me

I got tagged by Brittney Bates!

1. I thought I would be extremely sad moving away from home, but I find myself happy most often. Don't get me wrong, I miss everyone terribly from my family to my friends, but everything is going so well for us down here. I feel this move has brought Josh and I and our kids even closer together than we were before. We rely on each other for everything and have made some really great couple friends down here. Work is going great, me working for Josh is going great... it really makes a difference when you both love your jobs! All in all this move has been great and I am truly in a very happy place right now.

2. I absolutely LOATHE working out, but since we have gotten the Wii Fit (thank you Jim and Kathy) I have enjoyed working out and trying to beat Josh's scores. Even on the days I try to skip out I have Jacob yelling in my ear to, "Let's work out together Mommy!" So we turn on the Wii and work out.

3. For the past couple of years my hair has been really short, and I am now thinking I would like to grow it back out. I used to have really long curly hair and I am starting to miss the length and all I can do with it! Although I will probably wear it straight and put huge rollers in it instead of it being naturally curly... so I can have the Jessica Simpson look! :)

4. I LOVE LOVE LOVE being a mother of 2 growing boys! I always envisioned myself as a mother of boys, spending my life at ballparks and football fields, cleaning off muddy hands and faces, and watching them wrestle each other to the ground. Although I would have loved a girl the same, I just love momma's boys. Jacob still plays with my hair (like he did as a baby) and Caden-bug will never pass up the chance to sit in my lap and cuddle with me. I love seeing the rough on the outside but the melting sweetness on the inside. I am so blessed to have these two sweet little boys and I could not imagine my life without them. I may be partially insane by the time they are fully grown, but I can give up a little insanity for these two.

5. I have the most amazing husband in the world! He has always had my back in everything and I have his. We have such an unbreakable bond (that God put there) and our life together has not always been easy. Most statistics are against us, but I know nothing will ever shake us. We have been through almost everything and God has seen us through it. And our relationship and love for each other grows stronger everyday. Josh has always worked so hard at supporting our family and has supported me in the career changes I have made. He helps out so much around the house and takes care of the boys without so much as a whimper (I know some wives/ mothers who are not so lucky). He cooks and cleans and even helps out with laundry occasionally. I could not ask the Lord for a better man for me.

6. People always ask if Josh and I will have children later on once our lives settle down a little bit, I always answer with maybe in 5 years. Honestly I do not think we will have anymore. Like I said before I LOVE my two little boys, and I want to keep my little family of four. I have seen what it is like for my two boys to grow up with an instant best friend and I don't want our next one to grow up 6 years after his/her big brothers. No I think I will keep my family of four, but maybe add a dog in there once the boys can take care of it. I say this, but I do not know what the Lord has planned for us... our life is open-ended!

I tag Natalie.. Aime... and whoever else has not been tagged.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Jacob loves the Wii!

Jacob loves everything about the Wii, especially Wii Fit. He begs me everyday to work out with him, and I am starting to think he is holding me accountable! We have even made him his own Wii Fit board to step on. He holds the remote like me and steps on and off the board when it tells him to. When I do the step aerobics Jacob tries to do them too. Once when I was doing the advanced one (you have to kick up your leg) Jacob ran across in front of me and I accidentally kicked him (not hard because I don't put much force behind my kick) it was more like a nudge and he just looked at me. I apologized and we laughed. Well a few seconds later I feel him kick me in the back of the leg and he said, "How did that feel mommy?" I guess an eye for an eye here! I started laughing and had to tell him I did not mean to kick him and that he should not kick me.
Not only does he like the Wii Fit but he also likes to play MarioKart ( we have little wheels you put the remotes in to) and he loves Guitar hero. He has so much fun "playing" these games with us. He is so adorable.
Caden will get out some pieces time to time and wave his arms around and jump up and down like he is working out. I love to see my little guys interpret what Josh and I look like while playing these games!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Roll Over Caden-Bug

While Brittany and Lindsay were in town Caden learned to "roll over." Lindsay would have him stand on his head and she would flip him. Well after awhile he would just lean on his side and we would clap for him. He was so proud of himself!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Our Computer CRASHED!!!

So I know I have not blogged in quite some time, but it is because my computer crashed! When my dad and sister came to visit, Freia went on some site and it gave us the wonderful Trojan virus. Our Norton could not even save us. So thank the Lord we had some computer experts fix it and it saved ALL my pictures that I now HAVE to back-up for fear of another case of computer crash and no one being able to same the some 3000 odd pictures on here! So more to come about New Year's Brittany's visit and the boys going to Chattanooga!