Sunday, June 14, 2009

Virginia Beach

Every year my Dad schedules a vacation for all my brothers and sisters. Usually we go to Grayton Beach in Florida because this is what we have done since I was about 9 years old. But this year we decided to go up to Virginia Beach because its a beach and that is where my brother and his wife are stationed. We were all excited for a little change of scenery, and have been looking forward to this for most of the year. Saturday morning (the 6th) we packed up the car and readied ourselves for an 8 hour drive to the beach. I had lunch and dinner packed along with tons of snacks, drinks, and movies for the boys. The trip went amazingly well and we actually made it in 8 and a half hours during the middle of the day with 2 little guys in the back seat. About an hour out from the beach I was telling Josh about how I had packed the camera and lots of extra batteries when he says, "Did you remember the memory card?" My face drained of all color and I gasp reaching for the camera. Of course I had taken it out a couple days before to load all the pictures onto our computer and forgotten to put it back in the camera! What a great way to start off the week! Fortunately everyone else had a camera and we were emailed all the pictures today. Most days we spent on the beach or at the pool... we had a wonderful time relaxing and hanging with the family. Although Friday Caden woke up with a horrible temperature and we had to take him to a Doc in a Box only to find out he had Strep throat and a bacterial upper respiratory infection. He got a prescription and has felt tons better. We left Saturday morning and it took us way longer this time... All in all it was wonderful we are all relaxed and ready to get back into the swing of things!


Anonymous said...

Courtney, I love your vacation pictures! Looks like you guys had a great time.