Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Earlier this evening Caden was sitting with me on the couch when he went to get up and got tangled in his legs. What happens next? A crash of course because not a day goes by here that one of my boys doesn't end up with a bump or bruise. This particular fall was pretty bad and it happened in slow motion... the kind where you want to catch them but you can't. Anyways so he falls head first into the coffee table and hits his left eye and cheek and mouth... he cried the kind of cry where you can't breathe and I just felt so bad for him. Unfortunately he will probably have a black eye tomorrow because his the whole top of his left eye is swollen. Anyways to the picture... he wanted to get in the bath right away so we ran the water and washed and dried him off. I went to put him in his pajamas and he saw the slippers he is wearing and went basurk... he wanted those things on him sooo bad! So when he got them on he ran around the house laughing about slippers and showing them to everyone. And of course Jacob needed his on too so I thought I'd take a pic of them wearing them!

And this is a pic of my sweet Jacob who knows how to change out his DVDs without any help. Smart or watches too many movies?


kathy said...

So sorry about Caden's eye...poor baby!! I love their slippers...they're such funny, little boys!! And Jacob is so smart....and they're both so beautiful!! I love them so much!!