Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Varsity

So Josh left for St.Louis today to help out a new store for a week. We dropped him off at the Atlanta airport at 3:45 because his flight left at 4:45. About 15 minutes down the road I get a call from Josh telling me to turn around and come pick him back up because his flight was delayed until 8:25 due to bad weather. He was hungry and so were we, so we headed to the Varsity for some dinner. I had never been there and Josh wanted it so I thought, "What the hay let's go." I don't know that I will ever go back... not what its hyped up to be, it was okay. The boys liked the hats so Josh took a pic with his phone... yes I forgot the camera again. I think Jacob is pointing at one of the greasiest french fries I have ever seen! :) Good experience, glad to have it... now moving on. :)

So Big!

Yes my big boy is only 3 and yes he already has homework! In order to get his class ready for Pre-K next year his teacher has started teaching them the alphabet. Each week they are learning a new letter: how to write it, what sound it makes, and words that begin with that letter. Every Friday he has a folder sent home with him so I can see what he did all week and we get a piece of homework. This week he had to practice the letters A and B. He also had some questions we had to go over. He told me that "A" makes the sound "ah" and "B" makes the sound "buh." He did this without batting an eye and then I asked him what word begins with "A" he said, "Ants" and then I asked what words begin with "B" he said "Bird." Again without batting an eye. He is getting so smart and he did so well tracing his letters. Yes I need to go get new crayons and a pencil for him, for some reason with the move I lost them all. But for now the green sharpie works. He was so proud of himself for tracing so well! Good job big guy!

A Day of Shopping...

Saturday we met Kathy, Kaylee and Erica in Calhoun to do a little fall school shopping. Of course I forgot the camera... We had lots of fun eating at Cracker Barrel and then shopping around the outlets. Found some good deals on jeans and pajamas! When we got home I put their new pajamas on and took some cute pictures. Thanks MiMi!!

Bridal Party

One of my really good friends from Augusta, Sarah is getting married in April next year. Her fiance is actually the manager that took over the store after Josh and I left and we are still really good friends. Before we left, she asked me to be in their wedding unofficially before they were engaged. Well now they are and have set a date. A couple days ago she asked for my address for wedding stuff and on Saturday I checked my mailbox to find two boxes, one addressed to me and one to Jacob. These cookies were inside... what a cute way to ask us to be a part of their big day! We are all in the wedding (except Caden-bug) and I am so excited to be able to help her out in any way!


Sunday afternoon I took Freia and Dad to the mall to see our store and to walk down to the bookstore to get a couple new books. As we were leaving the mall we passed by Build-A-Bear and saw a great deal they were running... a new animal plus an outfit for only $29.99. Freia asked if Caden had one and I said no only Jacob does. So we left and went home to pick up Caden so he could go make one. I let Freia and Dad take him so they could enjoy that experience. Caden loves "Panda" and carries him everywhere and has to sleep with him every night.


There is this little old timey ice cream shop we like to go to down here, so when dad was here he took me and the boys while Freia and Josh rented a movie....

I have some major catching up to do...

Since we moved here to the beautiful town of Buford GA, we have been working ourselves like crazy! So working 40 hours a week and being a full time mom and wife, it has been hard keeping up with this blog. Now that my husband is gone for a week and the kids are down for bed I think I might do a little catching up... Forgive me for around 5 blogs in one night!

Dad came into town last weekend and he brought along one of the boys' favorite Aunts... Freia. They were so excited to see them and could not wait to get started in on the fun. Saturday we took them to the park...

Their favorite thing on the whole playground! It would go around and around and around and they loved it!

About to go down the double slide... I gave up on both of them looking at me at the same time.

Jampa John and Caden rocking the boat.

They loved this slide.

Playing hard and loving it!

Taking a break in the house.

Climbing up the wall...

Climbing up the rocks... notice a pattern, this kid likes to climb!

Caden loves the slide!

Say Cheese!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Dancing Fools

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Cuddly Little Tiger

My Little Hot Rod

I remember growing up and having my favorite shirt or dress that I ALWAYS wanted to wear. In fact I think I still have those things. Anyways I didn't realize it started this early. Jacob now has a favorite shirt that says "Hot Rod" on it. Almost every day he is asking for this shirt to wear and gets pretty upset when he can't wear it. So today since it just came out of the dryer he wore it to run errands. I guess I should have bought more than one... it was on SALE for 3 dollars at the Old Navy Outlet. I guess next time I run through Calhoun I'll have to look for another one.

Funny Faces

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Studio Jacob

I guess you can figure it out by the Title... Jacob got ahold of the camera and these are the results...

Hot Summer Nights

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A couple of short stories...

Since Jacob has been home from MiMi and PopPop's house a change has occurred. He has now turned into an old Baptist preacher. He has not once called Caden by his real name, no now he calls him "Brodder." Which in his language its means "brother." When he talks to him its... "Hey Brodder come here," or "Brodder lets play ball," or "Here is your sippy cup, Brodder." Even tonight when he got in trouble for talking back to Josh he said, "Me and my Brodder are tight buddies, not you Dad!"

Tonight while the boys were in the bath I was quickly unloading the groceries when I see a little boy probably around 18 months old running down the parking lot with no adult anywhere near him. I thought to myself he must be a little escape artist. I go up to him and he looks at me and says, "Mom?" I said, "No, but lets go find yours cuz I bet she is worried." All of a sudden I see a Mom all frantic and running down the stairs of the next complex over look at me and yell, "I found him!" She said he ran down the stairs while she too was unloading her groceries and had thought he was in the house with her husband. I tried to reassure her by telling her I had 2 little guys and I wouldn't be surprised if they did the same thing. She thanked me and went on her way...

Yesterday after a week long vacation our freight guy comes in to work to a back room full of old frieght and the UPS guy dropping off 25 more boxes. He had planned his 10 day long vacation the week before tax free weekend, and if it had been any other weekend I could have had it all done. But since I had to be on the floor every day merchandising and to help clean up after the HUGE days we had, I was only able to successfully do 2 days worth. A couple other boxes had been done by part time teammates... but basically Monday morning there was a GINORMOUS mess in the back room and around 40 boxes of freight... So you get a pretty good idea... within each box there are anywhere from 15-60 items in each box. Nick (our freight guy) decides to work til lunch with a very grim look on his face (usually he is a very easy going fun guy) then politely asks for his check and then NEVER comes back!!!! So today I did freight ALL day long and there were about 20 more boxes dropped off this morning... going in at 6 AM to finish it all. And then 2 new freight guys start tomorrow morning. Problem solved, way too much work though...

Our tax free weekend was AMAZINGLY HUGE!!! Numbers were awesome and we are truly blessed to have had the option to move to this store!

Caden is now full on potty training! He was running around diaperless this morning when I see him start to poop... Oh no he didn't!! So I scooped him up and put him on the potty where he finished his business. When I had picked him up from school he was in a dry pull-up and all his "potty time" remarks had a P next to them meaning his used the POTTY!!! Tonight he had an accident but who doesn't?

And finally... MY BOYS ARE HAVING THEIR FIRST BOOK FAIR at school!!! This was always my favorite thing in elementary school bringing home the huge paper book list so you could put your orders in early. Now I am so excited my kids get to do this!! I think way more excited than most.

Oh and... Caden got his first Birthday Party Invitation from a kid at school! We cannot wait to attend!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Caden-Bug pretending to hurt himself