Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sticker Mania

Caden got a birthday card in the mail today from Jampa John. In it were stickers!!!! Caden and Jacob went crazy and wanted every single one of them on their body. So what did I do? I covered their bodies with stickers... it was a mixture of Thomas the Train and Madagascar. They were so happy that I had to take pictures... although I think I am going to give up on getting them to both look at the camera or even to give me a happy face. Normally I can count on Jacob to do just that, but not when little brother is pestering him. Thanks Jampa John for the stickers!!! :)

Caden showing me his stickers

They wanted to take a pic of their arms and legs

Jacobs arms and legs

Big brother tries to kick him away

So little brother returns the kick

Look at all those stickers

Sweet Jacob smiles for me

Checking them out

Caden was trying to take Jacob's sticker off

Jacob was trying to tell me he wanted the blue train on him... look at his left cheek he already has one! :)


John said...

All smiles! Glad they enjoyed them. Love, Jampa John

kathy said...

Never a dull moment with those two...they're so cute!!

Anonymous said...

They're adorable! Happy 2nd Birthday Caden!

Richy and Brittany said...

Caden is cracking me up with all those expressions! I miss you guys!