Monday, July 13, 2009

Ornery Bug

Our little bug is about to turn 2 years old on Thursday! Boy has his personality changed over the past year; he went from sweet and cuddly to ornery and stubborn. No really, he is still sweet and cuddly but only when he wants to be. I just cannot believe how much he has changed over the past year and he never ceases to amaze me. I thought he would never love to read or learn to talk (yes I knew he would but I was a little worried.) He is now talking up a storm and curious to learn what the next "thing" is. He sits in front of his bookcase and pulls down book after book searching and "reading" through every page. He knows exactly what he wants and exactly what he doesn't want. He can turn it on and off... when things aren't going his way he will let you know and do anything in his power to turn it his way. He is stubborn and wants what he wants right then. He can roll his eyes and kill you with his looks, but then he will turn and give you a smile like he was just kidding and it will melt your heart. You know exactly what he is feeling by the look on his face; his expressions are priceless. Tonight we were rocking in the rocking chair after we read a book and said our prayers... I asked Jacob what he was thankful for and of course he needed the definition of "thankful." So I explained it to him and I told him I was thankful for him and Caden and Daddy. He said, "Well I am thankful for Mommy and Daddy!" I asked Caden-bug what he was thankful for and he said, "My Daddy!" It was so sweet and I think tears welled up in my eyes. Usually this little guy wants nothing to do with his Daddy unless they are wrestling or playing ball (we always joke around with Josh saying Caden is a HUGE momma's boy.) But tonight he was thankful for his daddy, I even asked him if that was what he said and he said, "Uh huh!" You never know what kind of mood he will be in or what he will say or do, but he is one fun kid to be around.


kathy said...

He is sooooo precious and adorable and beautiful and I love him to pieces!! Happy Birthday, Mimi's little Caden-Bug!!

John said...

That is so special! I'm very proud that you say prayers with your boys each night. You are a wonderful mother, and they will always be grateful for what they are learning this early in life.