Saturday, July 18, 2009

Caden-Bug turns 2

Flashback to November 2006. Josh and I were sitting on our couch in Cleveland, Tennessee listening to the peace and quiet of having no children in the house. Kathy had taken Jacob to spend the night with her so Josh and I were just sitting at home enjoying the night. I look over at Josh not wanting to say aloud what I had been thinking all day. I was 2 days late, and I knew that I had to be pregnant. I am like a clock, my stuff never changes. I knew I had to get it over with so I look at Josh and say, "I think I am pregnant!" He is in shock just like I am since just 6 months earlier we had had Jacob. He swears I'm not so to prove whether I am or not we drive to Wal- Mart at 11:00 pm and pick up a test, take it home and begin the process. When you take one of these at home tests it says to wait about 2 minutes before noticing the results... As I am peeing it flashes the digital "pregnant." We call our families and let them know and then await the next 8 months for our little Caden-bug.
Fast forward to 1:00pm on Monday July, 16 2007: Josh and I got see Dr. Childs for our weekly check-up (I am 38 weeks so we are going every week now.) Its hot and I am miserable... I beg Dr. Childs to induce me, but knowing that deep down I really didn't want that he promised me that if I didn't have Caden this weekend then he would definitely induce me the next week. My check-up hurt a little bit but no change I was only 1 centimeter dilated and like 20% effaced (prob a spelling error there.) So I go home disappointed and decide to take a nap. I wake up from the nap, which I had to do sitting straight up because of all the reflux I had, and begin to feel cramps...
I am in labor and get to the hospital at 6:30 pm and I am already dilated 8 centimeters. I have horrible nasty contractions until the epidural is put in around7. And around 10:00pm Caden- bug was born 8lbs 1oz and 21 inches long!!!
Fast forward 2 years and you get to meet my adorable little Bug. He looks so much like his Daddy but has a laid back personality like me. He is stubborn, yet loves to be cuddled up next to someone. He loves to read and say his prayers. He loves his Momma, but when it comes to wrestling loves his Daddy. He looks up and admires his big brother Jacob. He will one day become a pitcher or quarterback because Man that kid has an arm. He loves his "blanset" and I don't think we will ever get him to give it up. He is working on potty training, and learning all his words. He loves to dance, and any type of music. He likes the idea of animals, but when they get close he runs away. He is scared of fire and lots of other things. He is a Momma's boy, but can get rough and dirty with the best of them. He suffered from seizures as a baby, but the Lord healed him and brought us through it. He rolls his eyes one second, but shares his kisses with you the next. He loves loves and loves... I am so blessed to have this little guy as my son.

My Caden-Bug 2 days old

Turning 1

Caden on his 2nd Birthday with Daddy at Zoo Atlanta.


kathy said...

Courtney... how sweet!! I love that precious little Caden-Bug!! He is a precious little angel and a little stinker at the same time! Happy Birthday, Caden Michael!!

kathy said...

I forgot to tell my memory of you calling us late that night and telling us you were pregnant. I went in the bedroom and told Jim, "Courtney's pregnant..." and he said, "Courtney, who..." lol!!

V-n-J said...

happy bithday Caden-Bug! you're such a cutie:)