Saturday, July 11, 2009

From the mind of Jacob...

Last night we were reading our book before bed and Caden kept pointing at things and asking, "What's that?" So I would tell him what the things were, but after about 25 times of this Jacob looks at Caden and says, "Stop it Caden I can't hear!" I had to explain to Jacob that Caden was just trying to learn things like he did when he was little. A few minutes later I asked Caden what something was and he told me. Jacob looks over at Caden nodding his head and smiling and says, "Great job Caden-bug!" What an encouraging little brother!

A few minutes ago Caden was running around the house making a grunting noise while he was playing. Jacob comes running up to me while I am folding laundry and says, "Mommy Mommy Caden can talk like a robot!" And then starts grunting like Caden was doing to show me.

I get done folding laundry a few minutes ago and ask the boys, "Who wants to go to the grocery store with me?" Caden says, "I do!" But Jacob has other plans and says, "I'll just stay here mom while you guys go get groceries." I said, "Jacob you are too little to stay here by yourself." He answers, "That's just my job Mom."


kathy said...

What precious little boys....I love them so much!! :)