Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Over the weekend we had tons of visitors!!! Mom had taken the boys home with her Thursday after the zoo so that Josh and I could enjoy some R&R, thanks Mom. Basically we just lounged around the house, but a couple times we went to dinner and we even spent a ridiculous amount watching Transformers. Can you believe it is $21 for two people to see a movie?!?! Saturday afternoon our BFFs from Augusta, Michael and Sarah, made a trip to Buford, GA to visit with us. We ate at PF Changs and then hung out at home just catching up on things. We have missed them tons and it was so nice to see them. They stayed the night with us and hung out all day Sunday. Sunday morning I met Mom in Calhoun to pick up the boys, and instead of coming straight home to hang with our friends... I spent an hour at the outlets shopping for the boys!!! Can you believe the entire Old Navy Outlet was 40 percent off? They got tons of shorts and tees to end their summer... We headed home and spent the rest of the day out and about with Sarah while Michael and Josh hung out at the pool. They ended up leaving Monday morning, but Aunt Gloria came up Monday night. After I picked the boys up we all met and ate at Taco Mac and then we headed home where the boys got acquainted with their aunt. Jacob even woke up the next morning asking where his new best friend had gone? Now its back to familiar faces and working...

Michael and Sarah

Me and Sarah

Josh and David (he is the store manager in Douglasville... and he worked with Josh in Chattanooga)

Jacob and his new best friend Aunt Gloria

She learned that if she stood in one place Jacob could just crawl under her arm :)

My sweet boys and their Aunt Gloria

Monday, July 20, 2009

Caden turned 2 and a trip to the Zoo

On our way to the Zoo


It's Pumba!

Jacob and Caden pretending to be Timon

Jacob and Tristan growling like Lions

Very inappropriate but I guess this is how they sleep...


Jacob the Lion

Caden was terrified of these statues so I only got the other 2 boys

Love birds

A leemer

Sitting in the Birds nest

This guy was too cute eating his bamboo

Watching the gorillas

Like father like son...

Look at this guy posing!

Petting some goats

Trying to figure out how to get out of the zoo...

Before we even got to the parking lot

Josh has had enough lol...

Jacob laying his head on PopPop

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Caden-Bug turns 2

Flashback to November 2006. Josh and I were sitting on our couch in Cleveland, Tennessee listening to the peace and quiet of having no children in the house. Kathy had taken Jacob to spend the night with her so Josh and I were just sitting at home enjoying the night. I look over at Josh not wanting to say aloud what I had been thinking all day. I was 2 days late, and I knew that I had to be pregnant. I am like a clock, my stuff never changes. I knew I had to get it over with so I look at Josh and say, "I think I am pregnant!" He is in shock just like I am since just 6 months earlier we had had Jacob. He swears I'm not so to prove whether I am or not we drive to Wal- Mart at 11:00 pm and pick up a test, take it home and begin the process. When you take one of these at home tests it says to wait about 2 minutes before noticing the results... As I am peeing it flashes the digital "pregnant." We call our families and let them know and then await the next 8 months for our little Caden-bug.
Fast forward to 1:00pm on Monday July, 16 2007: Josh and I got see Dr. Childs for our weekly check-up (I am 38 weeks so we are going every week now.) Its hot and I am miserable... I beg Dr. Childs to induce me, but knowing that deep down I really didn't want that he promised me that if I didn't have Caden this weekend then he would definitely induce me the next week. My check-up hurt a little bit but no change I was only 1 centimeter dilated and like 20% effaced (prob a spelling error there.) So I go home disappointed and decide to take a nap. I wake up from the nap, which I had to do sitting straight up because of all the reflux I had, and begin to feel cramps...
I am in labor and get to the hospital at 6:30 pm and I am already dilated 8 centimeters. I have horrible nasty contractions until the epidural is put in around7. And around 10:00pm Caden- bug was born 8lbs 1oz and 21 inches long!!!
Fast forward 2 years and you get to meet my adorable little Bug. He looks so much like his Daddy but has a laid back personality like me. He is stubborn, yet loves to be cuddled up next to someone. He loves to read and say his prayers. He loves his Momma, but when it comes to wrestling loves his Daddy. He looks up and admires his big brother Jacob. He will one day become a pitcher or quarterback because Man that kid has an arm. He loves his "blanset" and I don't think we will ever get him to give it up. He is working on potty training, and learning all his words. He loves to dance, and any type of music. He likes the idea of animals, but when they get close he runs away. He is scared of fire and lots of other things. He is a Momma's boy, but can get rough and dirty with the best of them. He suffered from seizures as a baby, but the Lord healed him and brought us through it. He rolls his eyes one second, but shares his kisses with you the next. He loves loves and loves... I am so blessed to have this little guy as my son.

My Caden-Bug 2 days old

Turning 1

Caden on his 2nd Birthday with Daddy at Zoo Atlanta.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sticker Mania

Caden got a birthday card in the mail today from Jampa John. In it were stickers!!!! Caden and Jacob went crazy and wanted every single one of them on their body. So what did I do? I covered their bodies with stickers... it was a mixture of Thomas the Train and Madagascar. They were so happy that I had to take pictures... although I think I am going to give up on getting them to both look at the camera or even to give me a happy face. Normally I can count on Jacob to do just that, but not when little brother is pestering him. Thanks Jampa John for the stickers!!! :)

Caden showing me his stickers

They wanted to take a pic of their arms and legs

Jacobs arms and legs

Big brother tries to kick him away

So little brother returns the kick

Look at all those stickers

Sweet Jacob smiles for me

Checking them out

Caden was trying to take Jacob's sticker off

Jacob was trying to tell me he wanted the blue train on him... look at his left cheek he already has one! :)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Ornery Bug

Our little bug is about to turn 2 years old on Thursday! Boy has his personality changed over the past year; he went from sweet and cuddly to ornery and stubborn. No really, he is still sweet and cuddly but only when he wants to be. I just cannot believe how much he has changed over the past year and he never ceases to amaze me. I thought he would never love to read or learn to talk (yes I knew he would but I was a little worried.) He is now talking up a storm and curious to learn what the next "thing" is. He sits in front of his bookcase and pulls down book after book searching and "reading" through every page. He knows exactly what he wants and exactly what he doesn't want. He can turn it on and off... when things aren't going his way he will let you know and do anything in his power to turn it his way. He is stubborn and wants what he wants right then. He can roll his eyes and kill you with his looks, but then he will turn and give you a smile like he was just kidding and it will melt your heart. You know exactly what he is feeling by the look on his face; his expressions are priceless. Tonight we were rocking in the rocking chair after we read a book and said our prayers... I asked Jacob what he was thankful for and of course he needed the definition of "thankful." So I explained it to him and I told him I was thankful for him and Caden and Daddy. He said, "Well I am thankful for Mommy and Daddy!" I asked Caden-bug what he was thankful for and he said, "My Daddy!" It was so sweet and I think tears welled up in my eyes. Usually this little guy wants nothing to do with his Daddy unless they are wrestling or playing ball (we always joke around with Josh saying Caden is a HUGE momma's boy.) But tonight he was thankful for his daddy, I even asked him if that was what he said and he said, "Uh huh!" You never know what kind of mood he will be in or what he will say or do, but he is one fun kid to be around.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Josh!

Yesterday Josh turned 23... what an old man! :) Haha I only say this because all day yesterday he kept walking around complaining that he felt so old. He had to work in the morning so while he was at work the boys and I went to Publix to get him a cake and the fixings for his favorite meal (Rachel Ray's Park City Cashew Chicken.) I picked out a plain cake with some crazy icing and was going to leave it at that until a little hispanic woman in the bakery came up and was ooohing and ahhing over the boys. She asked what the cake was for and I told her it was my husband's birthday and she asked if I wanted her to write anything on the cake. It had never crossed my mind so I just told her to write, "Happy Birthday Josh." So she handed the boys two cookies and then took my cake out of the cart to write on it. Within 2 minutes she hands it back to me and it says, "Happy Birthday Jos." I was just going to let it go but I guess she saw the puzzled look on my face because she asked if it was ok. I told her there was an "h" at the end of his name. I don't guess she understood me because she put the "h" in between the "o" and the "s." So the cake said, "Happy Birthday Johs." So thats that... we went home and shortly after Josh came home and we spent the rest of the day together. I made dinner and it was way to spicy for me so "Johs" was the only one eating it. To him it was perfect! We got the cake out and sang "Happy Birthday" and had Josh blow out the candles. Caden is terrified of fire and pratically screamed as I was lighting the candles. And then as soon as Josh and Jacob blew out the candles Josh clapped super loud and Caden shot up out of his chair screaming and crying. I think this was a little too soon after fireworks... I'm guessing he related the two and was in hysterics. Once he got cake he was fine!

Happy Birthday "Johs"

His candles

You can see where Caden is beginning to flip out

Jacob only wanted to lick the icing off the cake

Big Bite

A mouthful of cake

Icing everywhere!


Saturday, July 11, 2009

From the mind of Jacob...

Last night we were reading our book before bed and Caden kept pointing at things and asking, "What's that?" So I would tell him what the things were, but after about 25 times of this Jacob looks at Caden and says, "Stop it Caden I can't hear!" I had to explain to Jacob that Caden was just trying to learn things like he did when he was little. A few minutes later I asked Caden what something was and he told me. Jacob looks over at Caden nodding his head and smiling and says, "Great job Caden-bug!" What an encouraging little brother!

A few minutes ago Caden was running around the house making a grunting noise while he was playing. Jacob comes running up to me while I am folding laundry and says, "Mommy Mommy Caden can talk like a robot!" And then starts grunting like Caden was doing to show me.

I get done folding laundry a few minutes ago and ask the boys, "Who wants to go to the grocery store with me?" Caden says, "I do!" But Jacob has other plans and says, "I'll just stay here mom while you guys go get groceries." I said, "Jacob you are too little to stay here by yourself." He answers, "That's just my job Mom."

Friday, July 10, 2009

Yogurt Monster

I picked the boys up from school early so when we got home they were ready for a snack and yogurt was their pick. Caden decided his spoon was not getting him the nourishment he needed so he began drinking it out of the cup... this is the result! I called him a yogurt monster and he gave me a grumpy face for taking a picture before wiping his "mouph."