Saturday, May 23, 2009

Sleepy Time

Tonight Caden had a hard time going to sleep and kept coming out of his room. I rocked him for a little bit and then went to lay him down; he pointed at Jacob's bed and said, "BED!" I asked him if he wanted to lay down with Jacob and he said, "Huh uh!" Which to him means "yes." So I asked Jacob if Caden could lay down with him and after a couple seconds he agreed. Josh and I were in the living room and we did not hear a peep for over an hour. So we went in to check on them and this is what we found! What a sweet big brother! I went ahead and moved Caden back to his bed and rearranged Jacob. These are the moments that make my heart melt.


kathy said...

They are the sweetest boys in the world!!!

Lindsay Adkins said...

that is so precious :)

theotherridges said...