Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Some of you have already heard about this, but I am going to write about it anyway. About a month ago the Mall of Georgia store opened up expectantly when the manager left. Josh and I heard about it and we were thinking about putting our name in for the store. But then we realized some things about percentages and such (too much to explain.) So we told ourselves that we were not going to put our name in for it. Although the pros outweighed the cons at the moment, we knew our best bet was for the company to call with an offer. We decided against putting our name in for it and said, "If we get called about it then we will move forward, otherwise we sit tight and enjoy it here in Augusta."
A few weeks ago they offered the store to a manager Josh knows who is in the Little Rock Arkansas mall. So there it went and we knew it was not meant to be. Last week that manager came down and spent a week here and decided the place was not for him. So Saturday May 9th Josh gets a call from Daniel (our area manager) who tells Josh that him and Darren (our district manager) were talking and really want Josh and I to take over the Mall of Georgia store.
So now to the present... Josh and I are in Buford right now spending the week in the store trying to make a decision. He is working with the team as if it was his own, and I am merchandising the store as if it were my own. We have talked with Darren to weigh out pros and cons on the business side of it and now Josh and I are seeing the potential the store could have if we are in it. Basically they want us to make a decision by the end of the week and then move to Buford next week and then start up the week after.
Talk about overwhelming!!!! Lots of me wants to be here in Buford... but lots of me still likes Augusta. I was just feeling settled in a town, with good friends and knowing where everything is. I am nervous to start all over in a new town, but also this new town is a lot closer to my family in Chattanooga.
Needless to say there is a lot of praying and talking going on with me and Josh. So if you could join us in prayer please do! WE DESPERATELY NEED THEM!

Love you guys!


Anonymous said...

Oh wow! Praying for you guys to know what to do and that you'll have peace about it. It would be awesome for you all to be closer to Chatt. Keep us posted!

kathy said...

We are praying His will and peace! We love you guys and even though we would sooo love for you to be closer, we truly want what's best for you guys, wherever that may be! Have a great day and just rest in Him and His purposes!!

V-n-J said...

Congrats on the new store - its a big change but the opportunity is awesome. I know you guys will be amazing at this store. We're excited for you and its a bonus that you'll be closer to Chatt! Good luck with the move and everything that goes with it.

Natalie said...

I will be praying for a smooth move! I'm glad you will be closer!! :)Can't wait to come visit!