Tuesday, May 26, 2009

First Day at a New School

I woke the boys up early so they could eat their toast and sausage before school. Neither one of them were really interested so they ate about half of it and then at the breakfast at school... Biscuits, yogurt and fruit.

Look at Caden-bugs fluffy hair! I just love when he looks like this when he wakes up!

Jacob all ready and watching cartoons before we left.

Caden saying "Cheese" and showing me his belly button.

Walking out to the car with Daddy. It really wasn't this dark outside, but for some reason the camera made it that dark.

Sitting in his carseat ready to go to school

Jacob giving me a sideways glance.

Their new school!

Jacob unbuckling to get out and go to school.

At school they are learning the letter F. He made this picture today and practiced writing the letter. He told me F stood for "flower" with a little help from his teacher. Both boys had a good report (2 hour naps!) and they were happy as could be when I went to get them, playing with their new friends.


kathy said...

They look so adorable and happy! I know they were the cutest boys in their school!! Love them to pieces!!

Natalie said...

Great!! I am so glad they had fun!!