Sunday, May 31, 2009

Fun in the Sun

Jacob hanging from the monkey bars

Sitting on top of the monkey bars with a little help from GiGi

Uncle Tristan taking a break

Swinging from the monkey bars

Some help from GiGi

Freia was supposed to be pushing Caden... but instead she was texting.

Mom swinging with Caden

Jacob and Tristan swinging

Me and Caden swinging

Having fun

Mom pushing Caden in the swing

Walking across the wobbly beam

Going down the slide with GiGi

Jacob peeking through the slats

Tristan trying to climb on the side of the jungle gym

Caden going down the slide

Swinging some more

Tristan hanging upside down

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

First Day at a New School

I woke the boys up early so they could eat their toast and sausage before school. Neither one of them were really interested so they ate about half of it and then at the breakfast at school... Biscuits, yogurt and fruit.

Look at Caden-bugs fluffy hair! I just love when he looks like this when he wakes up!

Jacob all ready and watching cartoons before we left.

Caden saying "Cheese" and showing me his belly button.

Walking out to the car with Daddy. It really wasn't this dark outside, but for some reason the camera made it that dark.

Sitting in his carseat ready to go to school

Jacob giving me a sideways glance.

Their new school!

Jacob unbuckling to get out and go to school.

At school they are learning the letter F. He made this picture today and practiced writing the letter. He told me F stood for "flower" with a little help from his teacher. Both boys had a good report (2 hour naps!) and they were happy as could be when I went to get them, playing with their new friends.

My Little Fish

Jacob was squirting a bug with his water gun.

Running into the pool

The "hot" tub... yeah right it was not even as warm as a bath!

The pool... the part closest to us is only 3 feet with a step all the way around. Perfect for the kids!

There is our apartment from the pool!

Yesterday we spent most of the day at the pool swimming and playing around. Both the boys love the water and I had to pry them away when it got close to dinner time.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Man Overboard

So the bad thing about our porch not being flesh with the ground... is the boys can throw things over it! Our apartment is on entry-level but there is another apartment above us and below us. Those people have to use the stairs. So this morning Freia and her friend MaKayla (who are staying with us for the week) realized there were some toys on the ground below us (ones I had not seen.) So they ran down the huge hill to retrieve them... falling up and down it.

Cute pic on their way up

Close up

Running up the hill

They were throwing the toys back to the boys

Which was a bad idea because the boys threw them back!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Our New Apartment

This is our living room

Other side of living room (I have no idea what Jacob is doing)

View onto our back porch

Our porch overlooks the tennis courts and one of the pools

Our HUGE kitchen! Way bigger than my last one and I am so happy about it!

Dining room- the walls are bare throughout the house because we do not have anything to put on them yet. On our list of "Things for the house."

View from dining room into living room (that door goes out onto our porch)

My HUGE landry room

Guest bathroom

Jacob's bed

Caden's bed

Boy's room (the walls are bare... I have to repaint the things that were on their walls because we changed the colors of their room)

Boy's closet

Their new bedding

Study/ Playroom/ Guest room... yes it is very messy the boys play in here all day!

Messy corner

Train table and TV stand

Another view

Master bedroom (the walls still bare I know)

Another corner

Our closet

Master bath

Our garden sized tubs! We love them soooo much!