Monday, December 8, 2008

Locked Out

Every week the store gets this thing called "pulls." Pulls are product that we have to pull from our store and send to other stores that are selling that product better. This is one of the ways our company deals with inventory. Well we have not had any for the past two weeks, so we were warned this week would be heavy. So yesterday after the Christmas Parade I went into work to begin working on them. They came in around 5 and I got started; we had already told security I would be there late so it was no problem. Well around 11:15 I start packing up to go home and I decided it would be a good idea to check to make sure the (out)side door to the mall was still unlocked so that I could get out to my car. So I go to prop open our back door (which you cannot get back in through unless someone from the inside lets you in- and no one else was there) with a hanger! I know I know, so dumb, but I was tired and not really thinking. And I watch in slow motion the door to the store containing my purse, cell, car keys, and coat shut in my face. Luckily I had taken a box cutter out with me in case of scary people. I was sure I was going to have to run around the mall looking for a security guard to let me use their phone to call Josh to come save me. So I look around and to my surprise JC Penney is still shutting down so I run in their store from the outside carrying a box cutter- I am sure this manager thought I was a deranged killer because she gave me the weirdest look and then let me use the phone; while she was calling mall security in the other room! I meet up with the mall security guy who thinks I am just locked out of the mall and not the front gate, and then realizes he can't help me. So he lets me borrow his cell to call Josh, who is not answering because he is in bed (later I find out he was trying to call the number back.) I get through to him and I am on the phone with him telling him I need the keys when the officer suggests to give me a ride to the apartment when he gets off to let me get the keys and then bring me right back to the mall to let me in. Josh is trying to say he will just get the boys up and come get me, then the officer gets a call on his radio from the night shift security guard I have made frineds with (since I come in at 5 am) and they start making fun of me. After they get off the radio the security guard says, "I'll do you one better, how about you take my truck keys and drive to your apartment to get the store keys and then come back and I'll let you back in." Thank you Jesus for these sweet sweet security guards!


John said...

ROTFL!!! You are so funny; you must try open mic night at your local comedy bistro! btw, are you going to take those box cutters with you the next time you drive over to Grayton Beach? Dad

Natalie said...

Ohhh Courtney!! Bless your heart... That sounds awful but I did laugh out loud about the box cutters!

Jim Milligan said...

Atta girl, who says you weren't thinking . . . you and your box cutter sounds like savannah days when kat kept a knife under our bed on our side. always thought my last few breaths would be with a knife in my chest, kat thinking / dreaming i was a break-in thief, etc...