Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas This and That

Thanks for tagging me Britt!

Wrapping paper or gift bags? Even though I am completely terrible at wrapping presents, I would rather have wrapping paper because I love watching my kids tear into their presents!

Real tree or artificial? Artificial- I am terribly allergic to real trees... breaking out in rashes, sneezing, runny nose, the works. Every year my family would go out and cut our own tree down... and we didn't realize this until I was about 13 or 14. So ever since then we have had a fake tree!

When do you put up your tree? This year we started putting it up the day after Thanksgiving!

Do you like eggnog? Yes I LOVE it! This year I have been buying different flavors when I go to the grocery store, and both Josh and I agree the sugar cookie flavor is the best!

Favorite gift received as a child? One year my parents and brother spent most of November and December building me a huge dollhouse. It was my favorite gift ever, but it got ruined as the years went on.

Hardest person to buy for? Josh- I love surprises, but he would rather know what he was getting and to get it early. I always end up buying exactly what he wants, because otherwise I know it will go back and he will just get what he wanted. I guess no surprises there.

Easiest person to buy for? My dad- he always sends out a Christmas list to tell us what he wants.

Do you have a Nativity Scene? No but I would love one!

Email or mail Christmas Cards? Mail them... but this year we are doing a Happy New Year card since we were too late getting the Christmas ones out!

Worst Christmas gift you ever received? My dad dated this lady once and she got me toilet paper and tissues... what a weirdo!

Favorite Christmas movie? Elf or the Grinch with Jim Carrey

When do you start shopping? I am such a procrastinator and probably won't be buying the majority of my gifts until this weekend!

Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? No I don't think so

Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Cake- my mom always made a birthday cake for Jesus, so hopefully this year I will be doing that for my kids and husband!

Lights on the tree? Yes- we have red and green ones on it.

Favorite Christmas Song? Oh Holy Night

Travel at Christmas or stay home? We are staying home this year because it is the busiest time of year at the store. All the family is coming to us. JJ Mom Freia and Tristan were here last week. Jim and Kathy are coming this weekend and my dad will be here on the 27th.

Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Dasher Dancer Prancer Vixen Comet Cupid Donner and Blitzen... of course there is Rudolph

Angel or star on top of the tree? We have a bow on the top... one day when we have a bigger tree it will be an angel.

Open Christmas present Christmas Eve or Christmas morning? Growing up we always opened one Christmas Eve and the rest Christmas morning... I think we are going to wait until Christmas morning this year.

Most annoying thing about this time of year? It seems like people get grumpier instead of jollier this time of year.

Favorite ornament theme or color? Our Christmas tree is mostly snowmen for the kids. Once I get a big one it will be gold and red.

Favorite Christmas dinner? Dad always made a goose... if you have never had a Christmas goose, then don't. It is tough and nasty, so this year who knows what I will make... haven't thought that far ahead.

What do you want for Christmas this year? I picked out some clothes and put them on layaway for Josh to pick up. We are getting a Wii, so for that I want Wii fit and guitar hero... I also want more stuff for the house.. oh and a watch!

I tag Brittany W and Natalie!