Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Wow time flies...

My little Caden bug is officially the same age Jacob was when he was born. I cannot believe a 14 and a half months ago Jacob was this age and Caden was being born. How weird is it that I am not pregnant or having another one? I never thought I would stop being pregnant (considering I basically was for two years in a row.) Gosh and I could not imagine having another one with them being these ages. I don't know how I did it back then, now its just life. I love every second of it, even when I am worn out beyond repair. And I cannot believe I am still sane, although if you ask Josh he may have a different answer. :) Well I wouldn't change my life for the world, but I can tell you one thing, no more babies in the near future for us. I like our little family of four!


kathy said...

Remember when everyone (who had two children close together) told you it would be hard the first two years and then it would get easier? Well, just think, you're almost there!:) You and Josh have done such a great job! You've overcome some pretty great obstacles....and it's all been through love! The love of the Lord, the love you have for each other and for your children and the love of your families and friends! I'm proud of you both and I love you all so much! (I still would love a little granddaughter some day!)

The Sandefurs said...

When I saw Caden last Wed. at church, I could not stop commenting on how beautiful he is! He is such a beautiful little baby! He looked so cute in his little outfit and shoes, toddling around.