Saturday, October 25, 2008

Mr. Independent

Jacob now wears big boy undies all the time so now I am trying to teach him how to take his underwear on and put it back on. It is not going so well... yet. I guess he will catch on sooner or later. I got the camera out to take some pictures of his attempts to put them back on.

He was posing for the pictures, I did not ask him to stand this way and smile back at me. He is such a little ham!

He put them on backwards causing what looks like a very uncomfortable wedgie!

Close up :)


kathy said...

My sweet little Jacob (he is a ham)! I see his daddy in him in the one of him looking backward! Hope you guys are doing good....we miss you so much! Take care and give those babies kisses from Pop Pop and Mimi! Love to you all!

Lindsay Adkins said...

How cute :) hahaha.... I can't believe how big he's getting courtney! how time flies...

Anonymous said...

HA! I love it! He is so cute!